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Among the most wonderful stories you can ever read are Stories and Lessons. Despite the small size of Stories and Lessons, each story carries sublime meanings, carrying news of peoples who came before us but were able to bring us lessons that are more valuable and wonderful than them.
In every story and lesson you will find endless enjoyment, as you will find a description of events and, more important than all of that, the great benefit that if you acted upon what it contained, you would succeed and achieve great victory in all aspects of your life.
The first story:
One day, an old man arrived at a smart phone repair shop. He took his phone out of his pocket and asked the man to fix it. The man grabbed it and started turning it right and left. His response was a shock to the old man: “But, sir, it is fine and there is nothing wrong with it that needs to be fixed!”
At this moment, the old man had no reaction, except that his tears began to pour from his eyes as if they were an uncontrollable flood. He asked the man, “If there is nothing wrong with him, why don’t I receive any calls from my children?!”
The moral of the story:
Never break the heart of one or both of your parents, especially when they are old. Be dutiful to your parents, for you will never find anyone who loves you like them.
Read also: Stories and lessons entitled The secret of happiness is contentment
The second story:
In an old village there was a wise man to whom people would go from everywhere to get advice, wisdom and sound opinion. But every time they would talk about the same problems and difficulties they faced in life. There was nothing new with any of them!
The wise old man got tired of them, and one day the man gathered them and told them a funny joke, so they all sat there laughing. After several minutes, he told them the same story, and a few of them smiled. He waited a few minutes and repeated the same joke, but none of them laughed.
Then the wise man smiled and said to them: “You will not be able to laugh at the same joke more than once, but you can cry over the same problems throughout your life.”
The moral of the story:
Fear, worry, crying, lamenting, and complaining will not solve our problems, but will only waste our time.
Read also: Stories and lessons you will not regret reading!
The third story:
The story goes that there were two very close friends, and one day they decided to go on a camping trip together and enjoy the beautiful scenery. While they were walking in the middle of the forest, a very simple disagreement broke out between them due to a misunderstanding between them and a poor communication of ideas. One of them slapped the other hard on the face, which made him feel a deep pain in his heart before the pain in his face.
Despite the pain he felt, he did not do anything or even say a word to express how much he was hurt. His friend was surprised by his strange reaction, and found him writing on the ground (Today I received a strong slap in the face from the person closest to my heart ever)!
These words were enough to stir up a raging volcano of feelings of anger and sadness in the heart of his friend who had slapped him without his knowledge and in humiliation. After that, they continued walking to complete the journey. On the way, they reached a beautiful lake, so they immediately went to wash themselves in it. Suddenly, the young man who had received the strong slap felt himself breathing his last breaths due to drowning in the lake!
Immediately, his friend rushed to him and saved him with all his strength, carried him out of the lake, and as soon as he regained his breath, he approached a giant tree and wrote on it (Today my lifelong friend saved me from certain death).
His friend could not control his curiosity, so he asked him, “Why did I slap you when I was angry and against my will, and write on the ground that I hurt you, and now that I have saved you, do you carve it on the tree even though you are still tired?!”
His friend replied, “When someone dear to your heart wrongs you, cover it with dust so it can disappear with the wind. If he does you a favor, keep it engraved in your heart so you don’t forget it for the rest of your life.”
The moral of the story:
We must forgive those who have wronged us when we are able, and we must be tolerant and not forget the kindness that was once shown to us.
The fourth story:
There was a little boy who lived in a very small town. He worked as a shepherd, and every day he felt very bored while watching the sheep. One day, an idea came to him and he decided to implement it and entertain himself.
He suddenly shouted: “Wolf… Save us from the wolf, there is a wolf chasing my sheep in front of me.”
Then the peasants in the small town heard him and ran to him with all the sharp tools and weapons to kill the wolf, but they did not find anything, while the boy was enjoying seeing them and they were angry.
But they soon discovered his cheap trick, and shouted at him angrily: “You are lying, there are no wolves. Were you lying to bring us here and amuse yourself?!”
They then returned to their work. After some time, the boy started shouting again. “Wolf.. Help us and have mercy on us. The wolf wants to eat my sheep.”
Once again, the people of the city took the initiative and rushed to him with their sharp weapons to kill the wolf and save him and the sheep, but for the second time they found nothing!
They sat down and shouted at the boy again for his repeated shouting, which he was doing, while he was laughing in a very provocative way, continuous laughter without stopping.
After a long time, the shepherd saw a real wolf approaching his sheep, so he shouted to the villagers: “The wolf is eating my sheep, help us.”
But this time the townspeople thought he was joking, so no one came to save him. They ignored his cry for help. The townspeople noticed that the boy was not there and had not come back as usual, nor had he brought the sheep. They went looking for him until they found him crying. Without asking him about the reasons, they found out for themselves. The wolf had attacked him, eaten the sheep and cut them into pieces, but had not caught up with the boy because he had climbed a tree.
The moral of the story:
Lying is the only thing that God has not made a consequence for in this world. The thief has his hand cut off, the adulterer is flogged, and so on, except for the liar. If it indicates anything, it indicates the extent and evil of lying.
Read also: Real stories and lessons from daily life