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English is ranked as the most important language in the world, a language that it is necessary to teach our children because it will help them a lot. There is nothing better than reading children’s stories translated into English to them, as they are very eager for everything new and have a passion to learn it.
The English language has been classified as the most important language in the world, a language that is necessary to teach to our children because it will help them greatly. There is nothing more beautiful than reading stories in English to their ears, as they are very excited about everything new and have a passion to learn it.
The first story:
One day there was a hungry dog, and he was searching everywhere for any food to satisfy his hunger. Indeed, the hungry dog was able to find a large bone. He was very happy with it and carried it between his teeth and brought it home.
On his way home, he had to cross the bridge over the river, and he saw his reflection in the river water, but the dog thought that there was another dog carrying a large bone like him, so he wanted to take it too, and as soon as he opened his mouth, the bone between his teeth fell. He was a greedy dog and deserved this punishment. He stayed hungry all day and could not find anything to eat.
One day there was a hungry dog, and he was searching everywhere for any food to satisfy his hunger. Indeed, the hungry dog was able to find a big bone, so he was very happy with it and carried it between his teeth and returned home with it.
On his way home he had to cross the bridge over the river, and he saw his reflection in the river water, but the dog thought that there was another dog carrying a big bone like him and wanted to take it too, and as soon as he opened his mouth the bone fell out from between his teeth, he was a greedy dog and deserved this punishment, so he spent the whole day hungry and could not find anything to eat.
The moral of the story:
If we have envy and hatred for others and the blessings in their hands, we will end up losing everything we actually have, just as happened with the greedy, greedy dog.
The moral of the story:
If we have envy and hatred towards others and the blessings they have, we will end up losing everything we already have, just like what happened to the greedy, avaricious dog.
Read more translated children's stories through: English translated children's stories
The second story:
In one of the forests, a family of beautiful rabbits was living a comfortable life. One day, the mother went out into the forest in search of some food for her children, and before she left, she advised them not to leave the hole, no matter what the circumstances.
In one of the forests, a family of beautiful rabbits lived a comfortable life. One day, the mother went out into the forest in search of some food for her young. Before she left, she told them not to leave their hole, no matter what the circumstances.
The little ones promised the mother not to leave the burrow, but one little boy asked her: “What is outside the burrow, mother?!”
His mother replied, placing a kiss on his forehead: “There is a big and scary world out there that you cannot handle now, my child.”
The little ones promised their mother not to leave the hole, but one little one asked her: “What is outside the hole, mother?!”
His mother replied, placing a kiss on his forehead: “There is a big, scary world outside that you cannot handle now, my little one.”
Her little one said to her: “But I want to see him like you, mother.”
And in a voice filled with anxiety and fear: “Grow up a little, my child, and I will let you see him.”
Her little one said to her: “But I want to see him like you, mother.”
And in a voice full of worry and fear: “Grow up a little, my little one, and I will let you see him.”
As soon as the mother left outside, her little one said to himself: “I am like my mother, I have four legs like her, a tail, and long ears, and I am old enough to see the big outside world. I am tired of this boring burrow!”
As soon as the mother left, her little one said to himself: “I am like my mother. I have four legs like her, a tail, and long ears. I am big enough to see the big world outside. I am tired of this boring hole!”
Indeed, the little boy came out despite his mother’s warnings, and as soon as he set foot outside the burrow, he was surprised by a cunning fox as if it had been waiting for him!
Indeed, the little one came out despite his mother’s warnings, and as soon as he stepped outside the hole, he was surprised by a cunning fox who seemed to have been waiting for him!
The little rabbit ran away, but the fox ran after him and did not give up. The small rabbit’s size helped him, so he was able to hide in a very small hole inside one of the trees. The fox stood waiting for a long time and did not make him leave until he heard the lion’s voice from afar.
The little rabbit ran away, but the fox ran after him and did not give up. The little rabbit helped him because of his size, so he was able to hide in a very small hole inside one of the trees. The fox stood waiting for a long time, and was not persuaded to leave until he heard the voice of the lion from afar.
The little rabbit calmed down and returned to the little hole after learning a harsh lesson about the nature of the harsh outside world. He returned apologizing to his mother, the rabbit, who knew the horrors of what her little ones would suffer outside!
The little rabbit calmed down and returned to the little hole after learning a harsh lesson about the harsh nature of the outside world. He returned apologizing to his mother rabbit who knew the horrors of what her little ones would suffer outside!
The moral of the story:
We must obey the orders of our parents. No one will love us like them and no one will care for our safety like them.
The moral of the story:
We must obey our parents, no one will love us like them and no one will take care of our safety like them.
Read more translated children's stories through: Wonderful translated English children's stories
Also/ 3 short English stories for children translated into PDF format, purposeful and valuable, seize them for your little ones