Success stories

Success stories of the founder of Apple Inc. “Steve Jobs”

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Success stories are very similar to each other. In every success story, there is an ambitious dreamer who believes in his abilities and wonderful potential. He is strong and resilient in a way that makes him transform his hopes and dreams into forces that push him to work tirelessly and without getting bored. His strength does not fail him or weaken until he reaches the goal he once sought.

The story:

On February 24, 1955, Steve Jobs was born in California, USA. Steve was born to unmarried parents, Abdul Fattah Jandali, of Syrian origin, and his mother Joanne Schieble. His parents themselves put him up for adoption, and he was adopted by Paul and Clara Jobs.


Signs of distinction and creativity were evident on him since his childhood, as he used to spend a lot of time in the garage of one of his neighbors who worked at Hewlett-Packard Electronics. Steve Jobs was able to design an electronic chip when he was only in high school, and because of it he joined the Hewlett-Packard Explorers Group, and in this group it was the first time Steve saw a computer in his life.

When Steve finished his high school years, he joined Reed University in Portland, Oregon, but Steve was unable to complete his university studies because of his great passion for the world of technology. Due to his lack of money, he decided to work in the field of technology to be able to study the field he loves. Indeed, he joined a video game company, and worked there as a game designer.

After Steve was able to save some money, he traveled to India. During his trip to India, he converted to Buddhism, which had an impact on him, as he remained a vegetarian until he died. Then he returned to the United States and worked in his home garage with his friend Steve Wozniak to establish the famous Apple company.

In the year one thousand nine hundred and seventy-six, Apple Company appeared to the whole world, and it was named Apple after the fruit that “Steve Jobs” preferred. Through it, “Steve Jobs” was able to break the monopoly of IBM, which had taken over all the markets with its industry when he invented the personal portable computer.

By 1984 AD, Apple had grown and achieved the great leap, especially when Steve Jobs introduced the Macintosh system, which was the first of its kind as a successful operating system that worked with a graphical interface and a mouse.

A dispute broke out within the company, which resulted in Steve Jobs being fired from the company he had created himself, but he did not give up and instead founded a new company called NeXT, which focused on work platforms with advanced capabilities instead of personal computers.

After Apple collapsed after its market share declined significantly, the board chairmen found no way out to prevent the company from collapsing except for “Steve Jobs”, and indeed they sent him an invitation to join the company again, and he accepted to work as an advisor to Apple.

One of the most beautiful things Steve Jobs said one day when describing what they do at the famous Apple company when he was asked in a press interview about the secret of Apple’s brilliance and distinction: (Those who work at Apple are not just programmers, but also painters, poets and engineers, who look at the product from very different angles, doing their utmost to produce in the end what you see before your eyes in this form).

Billionaire Steve Jobs, who was one of the most influential businessmen in the United States and the world, died at the age of fifty-six due to pancreatic cancer. He left behind a fortune estimated at more than seven billion US dollars.

Some of his famous sayings:

  • (From my point of view now, my life is a jewel of success, but I no longer have the great luxury of what I have now. In the end, the wealth I have achieved has become just a number or something among the things I have become accustomed to.)
  • (You can hire someone to drive your car, maybe a servant to take care of your needs, and you can employ leaders to manage your business and earn more and more money and fame as well; but you certainly cannot hire someone to bear the pain for you and remove the disease and its effects from within you).
  • (At this moment, as I lie on my sickbed, I remember my entire life. I realize that everything I have done throughout my life and the wealth I have possessed are meaningless as I face imminent death.)
  • (Anyone can have any material things they want, but there is one thing that can never be found when it is lost: life.)
  • (Your true inner happiness will not come from the material things you own. Whether you are traveling in business class – first class – or even economy class, if the plane crashes, the result will certainly be the same, everyone will be crushed together.)
  • (If the house is three hundred square meters or even three thousand square meters, the unit is the same and will only move or sleep on an area of ​​a few meters.)
  • (If we were driving a $150,000 car, or even a $15,000 car, the road and distance we would travel would be the same and we would eventually reach our desired destination.)
  • (As we grow older, we begin to understand the truth of things. A watch worth thirty dollars is the same as a watch worth three thousand dollars. Both display the time on their screens to the minute and the second. Whether we carry a wallet worth thirty dollars or even five hundred dollars, the amount of money they both carry is the same.)

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