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Short stories usually contain many morals and benefits. We always find them carrying valuable lessons that have a great and effective impact on the soul. We find that short stories are characterized by their brevity in terms of the number of words they contain, but they do not disappoint the reader in terms of the benefit he reaps from them; so if you are a fan of reading short stories, you will certainly enjoy the amount of benefit in them.
The first story:
A story among short stories of great benefit and effective impact on the soul…
There was a wise man who lived in a village. He was famous for his great wisdom and his ability to solve most problems. People would come to him from every corner, presenting to him the problems and difficulties of life. Every time, the wise man would come up with solutions, lay down laws, explain and repeat. However, he became tired of their condition, as they all came to him with the same problems and the same difficulties!
The wise man decided to find a solution to the horrors he was facing because of them. He gathered them and decided to tell them a very funny joke. As soon as they heard it, they all burst out laughing so hard that they forgot the reason for their gathering. As soon as they gathered, he repeated the same joke he had just told them, and a smile appeared on some of their lips. It wasn’t long before he told them the same joke again, but none of them laughed or smiled!
At this moment, the wise man smiled and stood in the middle of the crowd and said to them loudly: “You were not able to laugh at a single joke more than once, so why do you insist on being sad and crying over the same problems over and over again? Aren’t you tired of crying and being sad yet?!”
They were all amazed by the wise man, but they realized that constant sadness and crying would never solve problems. They were just a waste of time and a burden on their souls beyond their capacity.
Read also more short stories with great benefit through: Short stories from our ancient times and our precious heritage
The second story:
One of the most important and expressive short stories you will ever read…
One day, while two friends were walking together on a trip in the heart of the desert, and during the long trip, they disagreed about something and the discussion between them became heated, so one of them slapped the other hard in the face. Despite the severity of the slap, he felt a stronger pain and sadness inside him. He did not say a single word, but rather went to the sand and engraved on it (Today my best friend slapped me hard in the face!), as if he wanted to get rid of the feeling that had tied him up from the inside.
They continued their journey and gradually adapted to their nature until they reached a very beautiful lake. They rushed to the lake to wash themselves, and as soon as they were both in the middle of the lake water, the friend who had been slapped got stuck in the mud swamp. Due to the shock he felt, he almost drowned in the swamp, but his lifelong friend rushed to him and pulled him with all his strength and saved his life.
Just then, the young man who almost died had it not been for his friend’s intervention wrote on a large rock in the oasis: “My lifelong friend saved my life today.”
His friend was surprised by what he did, so he asked him in confusion, saying: “When I hurt you with my slap, I wrote in the sand that I slapped you in the face, but now you write on the rock that I was the reason for saving your life?!”
His friend answered his question saying: “I want you to know one thing, and it is the most important thing in this life. When someone hurts us, we should write his offense in the sand so that the winds of oblivion can erase it. But when someone does us a favor, we must engrave it on stone so that it will remain and we can never forget it, and no wind of oblivion can ever erase it.”
Read also more short stories with great benefit through: Short stories with wisdom and intelligence, the story of the selfish tree, the quiet tree, and the story of the fabric merchant.
The moral of this short story:
What we learn from today’s story is that we must always be tolerant of those who deserve tolerance, and we must never forget a favor that was done to us as long as we live, and most importantly, we must not appreciate the things we have, but rather we must appreciate the people around us.
The third story:
One of the most important and expressive short stories you will ever read…
In one of the forests, there was a day that was described as a piece of hellfire due to the intensity of the glowing heat in it. At that time, the king of the forest (the lion) was feeling extremely hungry. He did not know whether to satisfy his hunger or avoid the heat!
And then the lion left his den and went outside in search of food to satisfy his intense hunger that had driven him crazy. Despite his intense search and his extreme speed, wanting to return to his den to escape the scorching sun outside, he found nothing but a rabbit, and it was small!
He did not hesitate for a second to capture him, and as soon as the weak rabbit was in the lion's clutches, the lion thought to himself and said: “This rabbit is very small and will not fit in my big, empty stomach!”
And immediately the lion saw a gazelle near him, so he left the little rabbit, threw it away and ran after the gazelle, wanting to get it. As for the little rabbit, he thanked his Creator, the Almighty. The lion was running after the gazelle, wanting to get it so that it would be a hearty meal for him instead of the skinny rabbit.
Despite the lion's speed and insistence on catching the gazelle, which he had no other choice but to have after releasing the rabbit, the gazelle fled from the greedy lion, which made him feel bitter regret. He deeply regretted losing the gazelle and leaving the rabbit, as he remained hungry and without food!
Read also more short stories with great benefit through: Short stories in Arabic for beginners entitled The Beauty of the Classical Arabic Language