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Many of us wonder: Is it possible for jinn and devils to harm and hurt me?!
We all believe that there is no benefit or harm except with the permission of God Almighty, just as we believe in the existence of jinn. If harm or damage befalls us from jinn and devils with the permission of God, then it is because of what our hands have done, either intentionally or unintentionally, as happened in our story today.
The story of the haunted building:
It is considered one of the series of stories of jinn that actually happened, and were narrated by their owner…
I was at the beginning of my engagement to the girl I had always loved secretly to myself, and I had always prayed to God to obtain her in every prescribed prayer and every voluntary prayer. I was in dire need of work so that I could get married as soon as possible and enjoy stability and security with the one my heart loved.
One day I was with some friends and they told me about a job with a very good salary, and at the same time I would be able to complete my postgraduate studies. The job was a security guard for a five-story building, and what I would be guarding specifically was the ground floor and the basement, which contained merchandise worth millions of pounds, and it was owned by the owner of the building himself.
I took the initiative to contact the building owner, and he agreed and we agreed on everything together. My shift would start at nine in the evening and end at nine in the morning, and the salary was literally what I needed. I could study hard all night and no one would bother me since the building was deserted, and if it weren’t for the expensive goods downstairs, no one would have been left there to guard it in the first place.
I was very happy with the new job that would bring me many steps closer to my goal. The days passed and everything was better. I studied skillfully and seriously and was proficient in my work, fearing God Almighty in every little and big thing. When I completed my first month at work, I received my first salary, which its owner doubled for me. I thought at the time that he wanted to reward me in his own way, and despite my initial attempt to refuse the increase in money, he insisted on it, so I accepted.
After the first month, strange events began to occur to me. One night, I noticed a black cat with very strange eyes. It was looking at me as if it knew me well and wanted to talk to me. Every time I turned my face away from it, I turned back to it to find it still looking at me!
I felt scared, but I decided not to show it and it might have been a coincidence. I sat all night in this state, and because of my fear of it, I was unable to study as I do every night. Before dawn, I performed ablution and wanted to perform the night prayer and began my prayer in a loud voice with verses from the Holy Qur’an. The more I read, the more the black cat’s voices increased as if it was threatening me!
I finished my prayer and the cat remained in that state until dawn, when suddenly the cat evaporated from in front of me in the blink of an eye. I was certain then that the building was inevitably haunted by jinn and devils. The next night, as soon as I arrived for work, I saw an old man descending the stairs of the building. I rushed to help him and ask him why he was there, but he refused to look at me at all, so I followed him to find out where he was going, and before he reached the ground floor of the building, he evaporated from in front of my eyes, just like the black cat yesterday!
My blood froze in my veins from the horror of what I saw in this strange job, and here I realized the real reason for doubling my salary. He was testing me, would I stand up to the horrors of his abandoned building or would I run away like many before me? He did not know that the horrors began with me after my first month there!
These events kept repeating themselves and I kept comforting myself because of my great need for the job until the day came when I found a black cat, but it was strange in a way that terrified me. I tried to force it to leave, so I picked up a small stone and said, “In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful,” and threw it at the little cat, wanting to scare it away. I did not intend to hit it hard, but the stone hit the middle of its head, so the cat immediately got up and started circling around and around as if it was dying. I approached it to help it, but its soul had already departed, and after that began the worst stages of my life ever!
I picked up the cat and put it inside a paper box and put it next to me. Suddenly, something very long appeared before my eyes. When I looked closely inside, I found that it was neither human nor animal, but it had a body that looked like something in between the two types. It was a terrifying black color and had eyes that were devoid of pupils and were red!
He approached me, paralyzed my entire body, and my tongue was tied, even when I cried out for help with a verse from the Holy Quran. He hit me on the chest with a painful blow, and I fell to the ground as a result. When I regained consciousness, I did not find the cat that had died yesterday, but I found the sun in the middle of the sky.
I went home and threw my body on the bed, unable to explain what happened to me. Then the old sheikh whom I had met before in the building in my dream came to me and suddenly transformed before my eyes into his real form, the thing I had seen yesterday. After that, he approached me with the same frightening appearance and threatened me that he would not leave anything I loved in my life without destroying it completely, because I had simply killed his son! The black cat was his son, but I had not meant to kill him. He promised me that he would make me wish for death every day and not meet him!
I woke up terrified, to learn at the same time that my fiancée and her family were in a car accident. My fiancée died immediately. I rushed to the hospital to say goodbye to her and take a last look at her, but I was saying goodbye to myself with her. My life was turned upside down and I had no passion for living at all.
I went home and called the building owner and blamed him for knowing that his building was haunted by jinn and not telling me about it. I told him everything that had happened to me, but I did not know that it was just the beginning!
Before the end of the week, my only sister falls ill with a normal illness, so I take her to the hospital to check on her, but by the end of the day, she has passed away in a way that has left all the doctors astonished at the reason. On the last day of the week, a tumor appears in my testicles, so I go to check on them and discover that I have a malignant tumor in them, and the doctor is forced to tell me the only solution is to amputate them!
The genie fulfilled his threat and promise to me completely, but he did not know that I did not know that the kitten was a genie in the first place!
For more stories of jinn, we can:
Stories of jinn titled Underground Dwellers! (It really happened)
Also: Stories of the Jinn of Abu Talal Al-Hamrani, the story of the area inhabited by the Jinn in Kuwait
Real terrifying stories of jinn titled: A popular artist sang at a jinn wedding!