Success stories

Long stories titled A Day That Will Never Be Erased From Memory!

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Everyone sees you through the eyes of his nature and according to the love he has for you in his heart. You will find in your life those who see you as the best of people, and you will also find those who see you as the worst of people!

In your life, you will be surprised by people who forget fifty beautiful things you did just because you were short with them once. You will also find people who will look for a thousand excuses to show you and others how beautiful you are.


In your life, you will meet people who will never stop criticizing you, and others who are not satisfied with hundreds of beautiful phrases to describe you.

You will meet people in your life who hate you for no reason, and people who create reasons to love you, and after all that you are the same person, but each eye sees you according to the extent of its love for you, and each sees you from the angle you stand in his heart!

The story:

They called me black! That word I never heard anything else…

In elementary school, I used to hear it and not pay attention to it. At the time, I did not know how bad it was affecting me, but very soon, I began to feel uncomfortable with this word, which was like a stigma on my soul!

My name is “Hadeer” and I am twenty-five years old. My father was always out for work, and my mother was the one who took care of us and looked after us. She was like a mother and father to us. The only problem was that “Nora” and “Yasmina” had bright white skin like my mother’s, while my skin was black like my father’s!

For many times I realized that even my mother was not satisfied with me looking like my father! Since I was young, I used to hear hurtful words from her constantly. She used to blame me for my appearance as if I was the one who chose her (God forbid).

I was crying secretly, and everyone around me made me reach a point where I was talking to myself and asking myself all the time: “Why me specifically?! Why am I so ugly?!”

The strangest thing is that the more I ask myself these types of questions, the uglier I become!

I was always alone, the words of those around me made me lose all confidence in myself, I didn't have a single friend to ease the pain I was going through, but I had a hobby that made me very happy in the midst of all this pain, I found my only solace in harassing my colleagues, I would steal their personal things in addition to always pinching their bodies to make them feel even a little of the pain I was going through because of them!

Every now and then, my school administration would send a summons to my mother. My mother, who knew nothing but beating, would always shout at me, saying, “Aren’t you any good?! Why do you take everything in this way?!”

I felt that she did not love my father and hated me as much as she hated him, and in return, that feeling made me very happy because I was making her life miserable and because I was the only troublemaker in our house and in my entire school!

I was so popular, and this feeling inside me was so appreciated that I went overboard, I knew what I was doing was totally wrong but they left me with nothing else to feel myself through; whenever my therapist tried to come up with a solution I felt disappointed in all of them, I was not a patient for them to treat me this way.

They were the reason for many of the beliefs that were rooted inside me. I am certain that I am ugly and that no one will marry me. I am also certain of how much I hate my brothers because they are light years prettier than me!

One day, my basketball coach called my name, Hadeer. I answered him coldly. I was ten years old at the time, and I had all this anger inside me!

He asked me: “What’s wrong with you?!” He was an old man, no one would ask me what was wrong with me before!

I was surprised by his question, and since I was not used to this before, I answered him completely coldly: “Nothing”!

He asked me, “Why are you like this then?!”

I answered him angrily: “This is how I look, God created me this way!”

He smiled at me and said: “I don’t ask about your appearance, why are you so sad that it’s reflected on your face?!”

Oh God, has someone finally noticed in this harsh life that I am so sad?! I replied: “Why am I not sad when I cannot find anyone who loves me in this life?!”

He said: “It is a very difficult feeling that no one loves you in this life.” I took the initiative to leave, despite my young age, but I refused to let him see the tears that would fall from my eyes. The next day, I was absent and did not go to training, and as my mother always does with me, she did not notice at all!

But two days later I went back to the coach and asked him: “Why does everyone hate my dark skin?! Is it my fault that I am dark skinned?!”

He answered me with an answer that made my face shine with light: “God Almighty said in His Noble Book in Surat Al-Furqan (And We have made some of you a trial for others – will you have patience? And ever is your Lord Seeing). People are a test for each other. Do you know that I have had an injury in my arm for years that caused me to stop playing basketball and I have been subjected to bullying since that day? This is a test. If you meet it with contentment, you will become more than wonderful.”

When I asked him how to be content and complained about the amount of bullying and my heart that was eroded because of it, he gave me an answer that was more wonderful than: “Let everyone’s only wish be to be like you.”

From that day on, I made the most important decision in my life: I would not leave any obligatory or voluntary prayer without performing it, and I would always study with all seriousness and determination. It was only a short period of time before I saw the fruits of my hard work with my own hands. In the beginning, the bullying did not stop at all. They started harassing me, saying that I was trying to work hard so they could say that I was diligent. I did not care about what they said at all, and indeed I became one of the top students and maintained my ranking every year.

The coach was sterile and had no children. I became his daughter. My mother and I used to visit him and his wife at his house from time to time. My mother began to advise my brothers to be like me, to maintain prayer and to study hard.

I joined the medical school and there I met a young man whose father was Egyptian and whose mother was a foreign Muslim from London. He liked me. He was white with blue eyes, tall and very handsome. He had inherited all of his mother’s genes. I asked him to stay away from me, but this only made him more determined. I found him and his father at our house to ask for my hand in marriage!

We got married and traveled to London, where I completed my postgraduate studies. The coach still doesn’t leave me despite his passing. I give charity on behalf of his soul and read the Quran to him. I even performed Hajj on his behalf. If he hadn’t been able to see the bright side of my personality, I wouldn’t be where I am now.

Glory be to God, God did not give him children and put me in his path to be like his daughter to him, just as he was a spiritual father to me, and he changed my entire life.

Read also, dear reader, more long and very expressive stories:

Long stories entitled: Is the reward for goodness anything but goodness?

Also/ Long and funny stories that you will never regret reading.

Long stories titled love in its highest forms