Success stories

Fairy tales titled The Magic Talking Fish!

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Reading stories, novels and tales of all kinds is one of the most important types of reading that helps us, young and old, develop our imagination and sharpen it towards endless horizons of ideas and perceptions.

Imagination is the basis of innovation and creativity. All the great inventions in history came from imagination and from the belief that you can achieve anything you imagine.


One of the most beautiful fairy tales ever:

In a country covered with snow everywhere, there was a very lazy young man who shirked all responsibilities. Although his father was blind, he worked as a blacksmith, standing on his feet for long hours with the fire in front of him. Whenever the lazy young man saw his father, he pretended to be short in stature, shirking his responsibility to help his needy father.

He did nothing but sleep, and his bed was above the stove because of the deadly cold in the country, and hunting, as he was fond of fishing because of his great love for eating fish.

One day, he went to the lake to catch a delicious fish, and suddenly an explosion occurred from the hole he made in the ice surface, as the water boiled and caused an explosion. He felt very angry, especially since all his clothes were wet and then turned to ice due to the severe cold and frost, but as soon as he found a fish in his bucket, his heart was reassured and he was very happy, so he ran back home preparing himself to cook the fish in the best possible way, but he was surprised when he heard a voice calling his name to discover that it was a magical, talking fish, and it asked him not to harm it in return for fulfilling three wishes for him.

The lazy young man did not believe her, so he wanted to make sure of what she said, so he asked to see the whole city from his bed. Indeed, the walls of the house were raised, and the bed moved with the oven underneath it, and the young man went around the whole city! He was surprised, but he felt the cold weather, so he wished for summer to come. Immediately, the ice melted and the absent sun appeared from behind the clouds. Thus, he spent two wishes, and there was only one last wish left, so he decided to make good use of it so that he would not regret it. Due to his bad luck, while returning home, bandits intercepted his path, stole his clothes and the bucket from his hands, so they wanted to cook the fish and eat it.

The young man did not leave her, so he saved her from their hands and threw the bucket into the lake. They got angry with him, hung him by his feet, left him and went away. He shouted, “Is there anyone to help me?” but he did not find anyone. Suddenly, a beautiful, enchanting girl appeared in front of him. She released his chains, so he rushed to the lake calling out to the fish, but he compared her voice to the voice of the enchanting girl. He noticed a shawl of fish scales on her shoulder, so he grabbed it and was certain from her reaction that it was very important to her. He asked her to fulfill his third and final wish in exchange for returning him to her.

As for his wish, it was to marry the princess. She told him that she would help him with his affairs, but she could not make her fall in love with him. They went to the palace, and the princess was infatuated with a French lord who brought her expensive gifts. As for her father, the king, he knew his evil intentions, so he did not agree to their marriage. On that day, the lord had brought to the palace a machine in which he put food, and it would automatically cut and become juice if it was fruit. Basically, the lord had forced a dwarf to cut and squeeze inside the machine, so it would appear as if it were magic!

The king asked the lord to go to the dark forest and bring him the magic musical instrument. The magical cat was its guard and no one could reach it. Here the young man appeared and agreed to the king's request in exchange for his marriage to the princess, his daughter. The princess was upset by the poor young man's request, but she was unable to talk about the matter. The king agreed and the young man went on his way to the dark forest.

Indeed, after a long journey with the charming girl, he was able to reach the cat, to whom the girl gave all the keys. The visitor was given the choice between a sad tune and a happy tune, and the cat would not stop playing unless the cat died from crying or dancing!

As for the young man, he was able to trick the cat, so the magical cat gave him the magic machine, but he asked to take him with him, as he no longer had a place in the dark forest after losing the magic machine that he had spent years guarding. Out of his good heart, he offered him food and took him with him. He arrived at the palace, and the king was amazed at what he had done. As for the princess, she had a different opinion. She said to the young man: “I have brought the magical machine, and this was my father’s wish. As for me, I have another wish, and I will tell you about it tomorrow.”

She stayed up all night and summoned the spirit of her late mother, who told her to ask for the magic placemat that would make all the food the owner desired come to him at once by thinking of it. She sent a message to the young man asking for the magic placemat. He was in rugged mountains that no one had survived trying to reach. She went with him, the beautiful girl who was originally the magic fish. There they passed by a village whose people were hungry because of damage to the crops, but they found there was so much love among the people that they shared the food among themselves.

The tablecloth was in the hands of two brave soldiers, who were huge from eating too much and not moving at all. In a moment of self-flagellation, they wished the tablecloth would disappear from their hands. The young man appeared and offered to take it, but they punched him hard and he fell to the ground. The girl appeared and asked for a bucket of water. As soon as it appeared on the tablecloth, she asked them to look at themselves in the reflection of the water. They were surprised by her appearance. She reminded them of the truth of what they had been doing before the tablecloth appeared in front of them, and that they would die and would not achieve anything in life and that no one would remember them as long as the tablecloth was still with them. They asked her to take it and leave before they returned to their decision.

When he returned, he found that the princess had another request: to go to the world of the dead and bring her dead mother’s approval. The young man decided to go, but for him and anyone else it was the journey of death itself. He risked his life and took risks to obtain the princess’s approval, who basically only wanted to get rid of him once and for all. During the journey, he cried with regret for refusing to help his father and wished that his sight would return to him again. The girl granted him his wish, and before he began his journey, he gave her her shawl and thanked her, but she insisted on accompanying him.

Once they reached the huge, terrifying black gate, its guard wanted to take his soul to the world of the dead, but the girl objected and told him that it belonged to her. Here, the young man discovered that she was the daughter of the king of the world of the dead, and her father had sent her to the world of the seas in the form of a fish to live alone as punishment for the reckless life she had been living.

The young man obtained the approval of the princess's mother, but she disowned him and decided to execute him for using magic. The beautiful girl decided to give up her freedom in exchange for helping him, as she loved him. The selfish, arrogant princess wished to become the queen and imprisoned her father and the lord. Her ambitions increased, and she wished to be like her. She became a magical fish in a bucket, talking to people and fulfilling wishes, but she did not benefit herself from that. At that moment, the charming girl was released from her chains and became free and married the young man she loved and who loved her intensely. As for the princess who became a fish, the prince of the seas came to her and took her to the bottom of the sea to marry her.

Read also more fairy tales:

3 Funny Fictional Stories to Refresh Your Soul and Fill It with Life

Also/ very entertaining and enjoyable fictional stories for young children entitled The Mother Tree

Short romantic fantasy stories The story of forbidden love is wonderful and exciting