Success stories

A short story in English, easy to translate and very meaningful

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The quality of short stories, which often hide values ​​and lessons, has an effective impact on the reader and listener as well. Reading stories constitutes the most enriching and satisfying food for the mind and soul.

Stories also play the greatest role in the development of thought, in addition to the great pleasure that one of us feels while reading.


The quality of short stories, which often hide values ​​and lessons, has an effective impact on the reader and listener as well. Reading stories constitutes the most enriching and satisfying food for the mind and soul.

Stories also play the greatest role in the development of thought, in addition to the great pleasure that one of us feels while reading.

The first story:

An easy and beautiful short story in English…

On a high-speed train ride, a young man in his early twenties shouted: “Dad, look at the beautiful dense trees, I see them walking backwards!”

His father smiled kindly and compassionately while the rest of the people on the train looked at the young man with a look of pity for his condition. After a few moments, the young man shouted again: “Dad, look at the white clouds in the sky. They are catching up with us!”

His father smiled at him again with kindness and compassion while one of the men on the train approached his father and advised him: “In my opinion, you should take your son to a specialist doctor.”

The young man’s father replied: “I did. We have just come from the specialist doctor. My son was born blind, and today he has regained it.”

An easy and beautiful short story in English…

On a high-speed train ride, a young man in his early twenties shouted: “Dad, look at the beautiful, dense trees, I see them moving backwards!”

His father smiled kindly and compassionately while the rest of the people on the train looked at the young man with a look of pity for his condition. After a few moments, the young man shouted again: “Dad, look at the white clouds in the sky. They are catching up with us!”

His father smiled at him again with kindness and compassion while one of the men on the train approached his father and advised him: “In my opinion, you should take your son to a specialist doctor.”

The young man’s father replied: “I did. We have just come from the specialist doctor. My son was born blind, and today he has regained it.”

The moral of the story:

Each of us has our own story, so we should not rush to judge others around us before we know them well, as the truth about them may have surprised us.

The moral of the story:

Each of us has our own story, so we should not rush to judge others around us before we know them well, as the truth about them may have surprised us.

The second story:

An easy and beautiful short story in English…

One day in the forest, there was a fox walking along the roads, and suddenly he found a bunch of grapes hanging from a high branch.

The fox was longing to taste grapes, especially since he was feeling very thirsty, so he worked hard to get grapes, but to no avail.

The fox left the grapes behind and said to himself: “It’s okay, it tastes sour.”

An easy and beautiful short story in English…

One day in the forest, there was a fox walking along the roads, and suddenly he found a bunch of grapes hanging from a high branch.

The fox was longing to taste grapes, especially since he was feeling very thirsty, so he worked hard to get grapes, but to no avail.

The fox left the grapes behind and said to himself: “It's okay, it tastes sour.”

The moral of the story:

If you are unable to achieve something, do not justify your inability to achieve it by attributing disadvantages to the goal.

The moral of the story:

If you are unable to achieve something, do not justify your inability to achieve it by attributing disadvantages to the goal.

The third story:

An easy and beautiful short story in English…

One day in one of the forests, there was a lion who felt very hungry, and because of his extreme hunger, he left his den at an unusual time in search of anything that would satisfy his hunger.

He found a rabbit and pounced on it and had it in his grip, but he quickly looked at the rabbit greedily, saying: “This rabbit is weak and weak, and will not fill my stomach!”

Suddenly, he found a deer running in front of him from afar. He left the rabbit in his hands and ran at full speed towards the deer to pounce on it and kill it, but the deer quickly disappeared from before his eyes. The lion deeply regretted leaving the rabbit, thinking that he would enjoy a more hearty meal.

An easy and beautiful short story in English…

One day in one of the forests, there was a lion who felt very hungry, and because of his extreme hunger, he left his den at an unusual time in search of anything that would satisfy his hunger.

He found a rabbit and pounced on it and had it in his grip, but he quickly looked at the rabbit greedily, saying: “This rabbit is weak and weak, and will not fill my stomach!”

Suddenly, he found a deer running in front of him from afar. He left the rabbit in his hands and ran at full speed towards the deer to pounce on it and kill it, but the deer quickly disappeared from before his eyes. The lion deeply regretted leaving the rabbit, thinking that he would enjoy a more hearty meal.

The moral of the story:

Greed is limited in its accumulation, and a bird in the hand is better than ten on the tree.

The moral of the story:

Greed is limited in its accumulation, and a bird in the hand is better than ten on the tree.