Success stories

Long stories titled A Fateful Decision!

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Life is a number of days, we will be held accountable for these days and no one else will be held accountable for them, so make your decision for yourself!

Live life the way you want and do not let anyone dictate an opinion to you, as your personality is different from the personality of those around you. Do not let anyone impose on you something that you are not satisfied with, especially with everything related to marriage matters.


The story:

One of the most beautiful long stories because of the true meanings it carries of mercy, affection, good choice, and perhaps undoing incorrect decisions in the last time…

A true story that actually happened in the words of its author. I was exposed to a very influential situation that imprinted on my heart and mind and made me make a decision that changed my life one hundred and eighty degrees. Just one week before my wedding date, we had gotten married one month before and we waited for the wedding arrangements as we wanted. We prepared everything. My family and my husband's family did not do anything to me without doing it, and one week before the wedding date, my grandmother fell ill and was immediately taken to the hospital.

Of course, I went to the hospital, like everyone else, to check on my grandmother’s condition. I found my grandfather, for the first time in my entire life, in this condition. I found him sad and in a pitiful condition, and he was someone we had known for strength and fortitude all his life. I found tears streaming down his cheeks. He was standing in front of the door of the intensive care room. I found myself. I automatically approached him to relieve him of the severity of what he was feeling. I asked him against my will: “Are you crying, grandfather?!”

I found him answering me, with his two hands allowing the tears to fall from her eyes: “My tears fell because of the horror of what I find inside me. Your grandmother suddenly became tired!”

I tried to reassure him: “Don’t worry, grandfather. My grandmother will come out to us in good health. I pray to God for her.”

He answered me with a sentence that turned my life upside down: “How could I not pray to God for her when she is a piece from the depths of my heart?!”

I was very surprised at my grandfather’s condition. How could it be possible that he was a very strong, solid and resolute person, as I had known him throughout my life? Moreover, he was from a generation whose time had passed. I did not think he would be as romantic as I had felt that day, so I decided to calm him down and not ask him anything. Again to make sure of it.

I wanted to distract him, so I asked him: “But, grandfather, did you love another woman other than my grandmother?!”

He smiled a smile that left its mark on the depths of my heart and said: “Many times, perhaps I cannot count the number for you. There were many women who pursued me to catch me, and all of them were beautiful. As you know, your grandfather, I was a young man of great beauty and very wealthy, and my family was important to me. To many of them, I was Sidon, Jordan.” To win it.”

I smiled and asked him maliciously: “I understand from your statement that my grandmother was not as beautiful as them?!”

He looked at me and spoke to me, saying: “You know, your grandmother possesses what no woman on the entire earth possesses. Her soul is beautiful. You know, your grandmother’s eyes have a story of their own. You know, from the first look I saw in her, I wanted her very much to be my wife, to bear my name, and to be a mother to my children and a grandmother to my grandchildren (and he looked at me then.) She smiled.”

So I asked him curiously: “How was your first vision of my grandmother?!”

My grandfather said: “She was on her way back home, and she was holding her brothers with sweat pouring down her forehead from extreme fatigue and hardship. I found her smiling at her little brother with a charming smile that captured my heart at the time.”

Throughout my life, I have never heard words and descriptions in this way and in this manner. More important than the conversation itself is the sincerity of the conversation. My grandfather was speaking, but I felt the conversation coming from the depths of his heart. Every word he mentioned about my grandmother sparkled in his eyes, so I asked him: “Grandpa, did you ever quarrel with all this love in your hearts?” You carry it for each other?!”

He answered me: “We certainly quarreled a lot, but we were at peace at the time and blamed each other, and our quarrel did not last long.”

At that moment, I remembered my future husband. I did not feel a single word that my grandfather had mentioned during the entire period of our engagement, even as we were on the cusp of entering the marital nest. But I did not feel his mutual love for me. I stood for a few moments with myself, trying to find a position for him similar to what my grandfather had mentioned to me, but I was shocked by the shock of my life and all of his positions. With me, it is nothing but harsh criticism. You need to lose weight. You are a girl who will be of no use to you. You are spoiled. My thoughts and the sadness that clouded my heart were only interrupted by the voice of the doctor who came to deliver good news to my grandfather that his wife was well and he could see her, but he should not stress her out.

I found my grandmother running to her like a little child who missed his mother very much and finally he would see her after a long wait. As for my grandmother’s looks, they were a look of love filled with happiness with utmost sincerity. It dawned on me that day that I had not taught their hearts the true meaning of the love that I wanted. I wanted a love similar to that and I did not want anything else.

Their love lasted for forty years and perhaps more than that. My grandfather was not satisfied with my grandmother. He knew for sure that she loved him deeply from the depths of her soul, but he never took advantage of that. Rather, he loved her and protected her and did not expose her heart to grief and grief. On this day, not a single eyelid closed for me as I scrolled through all the letters. That my future husband was sending me in less than a week, I found myself reading it from a different perspective. Before that day, I had never read it except that his love was overwhelming my heart and my vision. Indeed, I found him calling and scolding me for neglecting him without asking me the reason for my preoccupation. I wish he had He wanted me because he missed me or was worried about me, but he wanted to ask me about some details. I found myself objecting to his behavior and his insult to me. He went too far, so I hung up the phone in his face. I went out to my father and mother and informed them that I did not want to marry this person. They were shocked by my decision, but I stood by it. .

And here I am today, God has compensated me with a husband whose compassion and fear for me I do not find, and he blessed me with a beautiful baby girl who always tells me, “I love you, mother,” just as my father says to me, “I love you, my sweetheart.”

Also read more long, sad stories through: Long stories entitled A Day That Will Never Be Erased!

And also / long stories entitled The Journey from Marriage to Separation!

Long stories entitled: Is the reward for goodness anything but goodness?