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There are many types of children's stories that carry many values, lessons and benefits for our children, so we must seize as many of them as we can; and children's stories are nothing but stories that children hear and feel extremely happy.
The first story:
One of the most beautiful children's stories ever that we can recommend to our children…
Caliph Omar bin Al-Khattab, may God be pleased with him, was checking on the conditions of the people one night, as was his usual custom, when he heard a woman saying to her daughter, asking her: “Go to that milk and mix it with water.”
The daughter answered her mother, saying: “O mother, do you not know what the Commander of the Faithful intended?!” Her mother said to her: “And what was his intention, my daughter?!” She said to her: “O mother, he ordered his herald to announce to all the people that milk should not be mixed with water.” Her mother replied: “O my daughter, get up and mix the milk with water, for you are in a place where Umar and not even Umar’s herald can see you.”
The daughter immediately replied to her mother: “O mother, if Omar does not see me, then Omar’s god sees me. By God, I would not obey him in public and disobey him in private.” When morning came, our master Omar ibn al-Khattab, may God be pleased with him and satisfy him, said to his son Asim: “Go to such and such a place, for there is a young girl. If she is not busy, then marry her, and perhaps God will grant you a blessed child through her.”
Indeed, the insight of the Commander of the Faithful and Caliph of the Muslims, Al-Farouq “Omar ibn Al-Khattab” may God be pleased with him and satisfy him, came true, so his son Asim married that pious and devout girl, and she gave birth to “Layla bint Asim” who married “Abdul Aziz ibn Marwan” and she gave birth to “Omar ibn Abdul Aziz” the just Caliph may God Almighty have mercy on him and be pleased with him and who was given the title of the fifth of the Rightly-Guided Caliphs, so that this great lesson becomes clear to us about the extent of the benefit of choosing a good and righteous wife according to our honest and explicit Islamic standards.
Read also: Translated children's stories with valuable and very expressive lessons
The second story:
One of the most beautiful children's stories ever…
There were seven chicks and their mother, the hen. One day, the mother decided to go to the market to bring some food for her little ones. Before she went, she asked them not to open the door to anyone, warning them of the fox in particular. She ordered them to stay in the house and keep the door closed until she returned to them.
The mother went out and the chicks stayed home alone. The fox had seen the hen leave and leave her children, so the fox said to himself: “Now it’s time to eat. I will eat the delicious little ones!”
Then he went to them and knocked on the door. The children asked: “Who is at the door?”
The fox replied, “I am your mother. I have come. Open the door.”
The little ones gathered in fear and said in a loud voice: “You are not our mother, you are the lying fox, our mother has a soft voice but yours is harsh and cold!”
The fox did not despair, so he pretended to leave and came back again, knocked on the door again and said in a beautiful, low voice: “I am your mother, open the door.”
The little ones wanted to open the door, but among them was a chick who was more intelligent and clever than the rest of his brothers, so he said: “First, look at him through the opening in the door!”
The children looked through the opening in the door and found that it was white. The children said to him: “You are not our mother because our mother is brown. Go away from here and don’t come back again.”
The fox felt annoyed and bored with these clever little ones, so he said to himself: “What clever little ones they are! I should be careful of them and be more clever. I will make my body brown and become like their mother!”
The fox was patient and kind to the little ones, wanting and coveting to taste their delicious meat. So he returned again after he had finished implementing his plan, and suddenly he knocked on the door again and said in a soft and beautiful voice: “Come on, little ones, open the door. I am your mother. I have returned to you!”
They gathered around the door and looked through the keyhole. There they saw a brown body. They said to each other: “It must be our mother, her voice is soft and beautiful and her color is brown!” They decided to open the door for her. The fox’s plan was very successful, but the chick was smarter than the cunning fox. He stood in front of the door in front of his brothers to prevent them from opening it. He shouted at them, saying: “Don’t open the door and don’t let me do that. If she was our mother, she would have opened the door herself and not knocked. Have you forgotten that she has the key?!”
At the same moment, while they were arguing and discussing the situation among themselves, the mother returned and found the fox standing in front of the door. The smart mother concluded that he was about to eat her young, so she screamed and called for help from the animals around her. The cunning fox fled in fear of the brutality of all the animals.
What we teach our children from today's story:
We must obey our parents’ advice, and we must rely on thinking about everything and not do what we are ordered to do without thinking about its consequences, as the smart, clever chick did. With his intelligence and analysis of the situations in front of him, he was able to save himself and his brothers from the brutality of the cunning fox.
Read also more children's stories for your little ones through: Short, meaningful children's stories 5 of the most beautiful stories
The third story:
One of the most beautiful children's stories, a science fiction story for all fans of this type of story…
Once upon a time there was a beautiful girl. She loved to laugh and talk to others and loved to go and explore new places. One day, she found a magical place in the garden. When she went to explore this place, she entered it unintentionally and saw herself in a strange place with strange creatures from the imagination!
In this place, this girl met a little girl, who was a very beautiful princess and a loyal friend who loved her friends in this place. At the same time, this girl was spending a beautiful time with the princess, and she learned a lot of skills and values in this place.
Finally, take advantage of the benefits of this beautiful story through: Children’s stories from the Qur’an: The people of our master Shu’aib and the torment of the Day of Shadow