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Gentlemen…the most wonderful stories that can be read one day are stories and lessons. Despite the small size of stories and lessons, each story carries sublime meanings, carrying news of peoples who preceded us but were able to bring us lessons that are more valuable and wonderful than them.
In every story and lesson you will find endless enjoyment, a description of events, and more importantly, the great benefit that if you acted upon what it contained, you would succeed and win a great victory.
The first story:
One of the most beautiful stories and lessons ever…
It was mentioned in the hadith that one day a man entered his house and found his wife crying bitterly. He was startled by the horror of her appearance, the intensity of her crying, and the psychological state she was in. He looked right and left in his house to find a reason for her crying, but he did not see anything strange!
He asked her repeatedly why she was crying, and finally she was able to control herself and answer his question after his heart almost broke from his extreme worry and sadness for her. She said, wiping her tears: “The birds on the tree that overlooks our bedroom look at me when I am not wearing a veil, and I fear that this is a sin for which God will hold me accountable!”
The husband was astonished at his wife's extreme chastity and piety, and his heart was filled with great joy at his fate and destiny that had brought him this pious wife. His wife had reached a level of piety that no one around them had ever reached before her. And suddenly he went to the market and bought an axe to cut down the tree, and thus became the cause of the displacement of these birds, in compliance with the wishes of his chaste wife.
It was the husband's habit to go to work every day after his dawn prayer until noon. One day, he returned from work early, unlike his usual habit. He did not want to disturb his wife, so he climbed the wall of the house very quietly and entered carefully until he reached the room quietly. Then he found his wife, who was shy of birds, in the arms of her lover!
The husband was shocked by what he saw. He pulled himself together, as he was certain that it was a test from God Almighty. The husband gathered his clothes and left his house, wandering aimlessly. He continued wandering in the wilderness until he found his way to one of the towns. As soon as the man arrived, he found the city in turmoil with the noise of all its people, and they were all crowding around the governor’s palace in the middle of the day. He had no choice but to ask one of the passersby about the reason for everything he was seeing in front of him. He answered him that the city’s treasury had been robbed the previous night, and the thief had not yet been identified!
Suddenly, an old man walked on his tiptoes in a very interesting and eye-catching way, so the man asked about him and the reason for his strange gait. They told him that he was the old man of the city and that he was afraid that if he stepped on an ant under his feet he would be held accountable before God. The man went himself to the ruler to meet him, and indeed what he wanted happened.
As soon as the man was in the hands of the city governor, he told him, “Sir, the thief you are looking for is the city’s sheikh, and if he is not, then you may cut off my head!”
The governor ordered him to be brought in, and after investigations with him, he confessed that he was the thief. The governor himself was surprised, so he called the strange man and asked him: “You are a stranger to our city and you do not know anyone, and no one knows you. Despite all of that, you still know the real thief, so how is that?!”
The man said to him: “My lord, the ruler, my wife taught me that the extreme exaggeration in showing piety and virtue is nothing but a cover to hide a greater crime behind it.”
Read also: Stories and lessons from the most beautiful things you will ever read
The moral of the story:
When you find someone who exaggerates in showing his piety and righteousness in an exaggerated and intentional way, then remember the story of the owner of the sparrows. The real scholar hides his piety and makes it a secret between him and his Creator. There is a story worthy of mentioning in our position here, which is the story of “Al-Mutarraf bin Abdullah,” may God have mercy on him, from the righteous predecessors. Whenever he narrated a hadith from the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, he would cry intensely while he was in his circle. So what did he do?!
He was pulling the turban over his eyes and saying: “What a bad cold…what a bad cold.”
Read also: Real stories and lessons from daily life
The second story:
From stories and lessons of great benefit…
Someone says that he had a very close friend who was suspicious of maids. Once he had a maid working for him. Whenever he couldn’t find any of his personal belongings, he would accuse his maid of stealing, and he would quickly find what he had lost!
This friend had a habit of collecting gold pounds, and he had collected a number of them, eighteen pounds, and he wanted to make them twenty, so he put them in his wardrobe, and one day he wanted to put the remaining two pounds, but he did not find the eighteen, and of course he shouted at the maid and accused her of stealing them.
One of his relatives was a colonel, so he brought him and they took the maid to the police station, where they made her taste the bitterness of the earth, and she did not confess to anything because she had not taken anything in the first place. This maid was the wife of the building’s doorman, and of course he had his share of humiliation with her, and in the end they were both expelled from the building in a loud scandal.
Ten years later, one day, this friend went to his mother’s house, specifically to his old office, looking for important papers. There, he found the eighteen pounds. He had put them there himself, but he forgot. He was shocked, the shock of his life, because he felt guilty towards this innocent woman whom he had wronged and abused.
He went to the woman where she lived to please her and give her all the pounds he found and ask her to forgive him. She was in Fayoum Governorate. He started looking for her house until he found it. As soon as he arrived, he was surprised by how beautiful her house was. It was a very beautiful, spacious house with a garden full of trees and flowers in front of it. He apologized and wanted to give her all the pounds and apologized to her husband. She said to him: “I don’t want anything, and I will only take the fruit you brought with you.”
She told him about a dream in which the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, came to her and told her that he would come to her to apologize and that she should accept him and not accept anything in return from him!
She told him that when he and her husband were fired from work, her husband got a work contract in the Gulf States. He worked hard for five years, then returned to Egypt and established a poultry farm and built the house he saw. The farm became two, then three and four, until they became ten farms, thanks be to God Almighty.
Read also: Stories and lessons entitled: Whoever knows God will have no desire for anything other than Him.