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The benefits and lessons learned from the stories of the prophets are so many that we cannot count or enumerate them. God Almighty said in Surat Yusuf: (There was certainly in their stories a lesson for those of understanding. It was not a fabricated story, but a confirmation of what was before it and a detailed explanation of all things and guidance and mercy for a people who believe.) Meaning that the people of good and the people of evil should be considered from all people. Whoever among them does what these guided ones did will receive what they received of good, and whoever turns away from them and opposes their guidance will receive what the deniers and those who turn away receive. Mentioning them is a statement of how to follow their example and their morals, the most important of which is patience and steadfastness on the truth despite all the trials and tragedies they encountered in the path of the call.
There is nothing more beautiful than following their morals. God Almighty said in Surat Hud: (And We relate to you,[O Muhammad]from the news of the messengers what will strengthen your heart thereby. And there has come to you in this the truth and an instruction and a reminder for the believers). This verse is a verse for the hearts to be reassured and steadfast in the truth, just as the resolute messengers were patient. Human souls are comforted by following, are motivated by deeds, and love competition. Souls support the truth by mentioning its evidence and the many who have done it.
From the stories of the prophets is the story of the Prophet of God, “Joseph,” peace be upon him:
Our master “Joseph”, peace be upon him, enjoyed great love from his father, the Prophet of God “Jacob”, peace be upon him. His brothers felt this great love from their father for their brother “Joseph”, and he was the only one to be held back from his other brothers. Jealousy began to squeeze their hearts and envy consumed their hearts.
The story of our master Joseph, peace be upon him, began when Joseph, peace be upon him, told his father that he saw in a dream eleven stars, the sun, and the moon prostrating to him. His father asked him not to tell his brothers about his dream, because they would become more envious and hateful of him, and the fires of jealousy would burn in their hearts more and more.
It is possible that his brothers heard the news of his vision, so they sat together and studied among themselves a plan to get rid of him once and for all, so that their father’s face would be clear to them after him. In the end, they decided to take their brother “Joseph,” peace be upon him, and throw him into a deep well.
After much insistence from their father, he was convinced that his little one and the love of his heart should go with his brothers to spend some time playing and having fun. Indeed, our master “Joseph” (peace be upon him) went with his brothers to a faraway place. They had made up their minds and were determined to carry out their plan to the letter. They reached the desired place, the deep well, and threw their brother into it without mercy or compassion from their cruel hearts. Then they returned home carrying in their hands the shirt of our master “Joseph” (peace be upon him) after they had stained it with blood in an attempt to cover up the crime they had committed against him.
They came to their father at night crying, claiming that the wolf had eaten their brother while they were not paying attention. As soon as the Prophet of God, Jacob, peace be upon him, heard the story they told him, he was certain that something had been planned for his beloved son. But then, what could he do?! The evidence before him was not sufficient to convict his sons who had plotted, planned, and carried out a crime against their little brother. So he had no choice but to surrender his matter to his Creator, the Almighty, asking Him to be patient with his great affliction.
As for our master “Joseph” peace be upon him, he spent the night at the bottom of the well in a state of astonishment at what his brothers had done to him. He remained in this state until a caravan of merchants passed by the well and were taking water from it. So the caravan got down and approached the well intending to rest and take water as was their custom. As soon as one of the men approached and threw the watering rope into the well in search of water, it became clear that there was a boy in the well. They were extremely happy about that. It was a commodity that they had acquired without any estimation, planning, hardship or fatigue on their part. So they decided to sell what they had found in the well.
Indeed, they offered our master “Joseph”, peace be upon him, for sale to some passersby, who agreed and bought him for a very low price.
The one who bought him from the men of the caravan seemed to be of high position and prestige, and he was certain that he had been very successful in buying this boy, as he would be a reason for bringing him many blessings in the coming few days. In the end, our master “Joseph”, peace be upon him, settled in the house of the Aziz of Egypt, and in the house of the Aziz of Egypt, our master “Joseph”, peace be upon him, had a special story?
Our Master Joseph, peace be upon him, captured the heart of the wife of the Aziz of Egypt as soon as he grew up. She was captivated by his beauty and charm and could not control her feelings towards him. So, after many introductions and preparations, she asked him to commit an immoral act with her!
But our master Joseph, peace be upon him, responded to her with a decisive response, as he completely rejected her request. Our master Joseph, peace be upon him, asked his Creator to help him with his matter and save him from this trial that had befallen him (the wife of the Aziz and what she wanted from him).
The wife of Al-Aziz had locked the doors and asked him to commit adultery with her, but the Prophet of God preferred prison to fulfilling her request.
Allah the Almighty said in His Noble Book in Surat Yusuf: (And the woman in whose house he was sought to seduce him. She closed the doors and said, “Come here!” He said, “God forbid! Indeed, my Lord has made my stay good. Indeed, the wrongdoers will not succeed.” And she certainly intended him, and he would have intended her had he not seen the proof of his Lord. Thus did We avert from him evil and immorality. Indeed, he was of Our servants.) The sincere ones, and they raced to the door, and she tore his shirt from the back, and they found her master at the door. She said, “What is the recompense of one who intended evil for your family except that he be imprisoned or a painful punishment?” He said, “She sought to seduce me.” And a witness from among her family testified, “If his shirt is torn from the front, then she is telling the truth, and he is among the liars; but if his shirt is torn from the back, then she is lying.” And he was of the truthful. But when he saw his shirt torn from the back, he said, “Indeed, this is of your plot. Indeed, your plot is great. O Joseph, turn away from this and ask forgiveness for your sin. Indeed, you were of the sinners.”
Read also more stories of the prophets through:
Stories of the Prophets entitled Joseph, Aziz of Egypt
Also/ Stories of the Prophets, the story of our master Yunus, peace be upon him, and the lessons learned from it
Stories of the Prophets Our Master Adam is a prophet to whom all the angels prostrated