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Short stories have many great benefits that cannot be counted at all. Short stories that hide lessons and morals behind them often have a great impact on the reader and recipient. In fact, you may literally be amazed when you learn what an impact a story that does not exceed 200 or perhaps 300 words can leave on you.
The first story:
It is considered one of the most beautiful short stories ever, due to the benefits it provides…
It is said that there was a great king who had only one son, and he longed to see his only son’s offspring, but whenever the king married his son to a girl, he did not stay with her for long and divorced her, so their number was three marriages and the king’s father did not know the reason, so the king became very angry with his son and expelled him from the palace and from the entire kingdom.
The young man went out and looked for work, and he found a job as a shepherd for a man who had only one daughter. The man was impressed by the young man because he was very strong and handsome, so he offered to marry his daughter to the young man to ensure that he would stay with them forever. However, the girl was very smart, so she asked her father to go on a trip with him to find out the truth about the young man before he married her to him.
Indeed, the man asked the young man not to take the sheep out the next day because they were traveling together for a few days to fulfill an errand. During their travel, they passed by some sheep and the young man said: “How many and how few there are!” The man was surprised by what the young man had said and did not ask him what he had said.
And again they passed by other sheep, and the young man said: “How few and how many there are.” The man was amazed at what happened and said to himself: “He must be stupid!”
They passed by a cemetery and the young man said: “With you are the living and with you are the dead!”
They passed by a beautiful garden, and the young man said: “I don’t know whether this garden is green or dry!”
They entered a village and brought them pure milk. The young man got up and drank, then gave it to the man. After that, they brought them water. The young man took the water and gave it to the man to drink, then he drank after him. The man said to himself: “Travel reveals the true nature of people. I will definitely not marry my daughter to him. Am I crazy to do this to her?”
When they returned, the man told his daughter everything that had happened. The girl said, “Yes, he is the husband, father.” Her father was surprised by her situation and asked her to explain. The daughter said, “The first sheep had more rams than ewes, unlike the second sheep. As for the cemetery, whoever left offspring is alive and whoever did not is dead. As for the garden, if its owner worked with his money, it is green, but if he worked with debt, it is dry.”
As for the milk, when it is placed in the vessel, the water rises to the top and the milk to the bottom, so he drank the water and gave you the milk. As for the water, the fresh well water rises to the top, so he gave it to you to drink.”
The man immediately married his daughter to the young man.
Read also: Very expressive short stories
The second story:
From expressive short stories…
A rural girl in her first year of university was afflicted with vitiligo. God Almighty willed that the disease spread throughout her entire body, and she fell prey to the weak-hearted among those closest to her.
They always blamed her for what she was afflicted with, and they knew for sure that she would never marry, and if she did marry, it would be to an old husband or to a married man.
She found their words to have a painful and hurtful effect on her soul. The girl did not give up, but rather set herself a daily prayer and continued with it. She continued to pray for the Prophet with the Abrahamic formula and the Hawqala and to read Surat Al-Baqarah daily. She also found in the night prayer a consolation for her and a strong fortress.
Not even a month had passed since what she had done, so she sought help from the Creator to harm the creature, so her Creator, glory be to Him, gave her a husband who was three months older than her, who was well-off, of good character and religion, and whose only concern was to please and make her happy. She lived in a luxurious house owned by her husband, in addition to a car for her husband and a car for her.
As for the girls who found in our girl a source of mockery and bullying for something that her Creator had afflicted her with, they did not enjoy a good life. Most of them became divorced and separated from their husbands, or they suffer from their husbands’ mistreatment of them.
Read also: Short stories with valuable lessons and very touching morals
The third story:
He sent a message to a social media page wanting people to learn a lesson from his story…
For five years I have been looking for a bride, and with every legitimate vision something happened, either I was rejected due to certain circumstances or I was rejected.
One night, after I had stayed up all night and prayed, I slept and saw a strange vision. I found myself in the Holy Mosque and there was a man who was very dignified and awe-inspiring. I found him holding my hand and pointing with his hand at a woman wearing the ihram clothes and saying, “This is your wife!”
I look at her and find that she is a girl I went to see three years ago, but I rejected her because I felt at the time that she did not have the specifications I wanted.
The same vision was repeated for seven days, and on the eighth day I went to my mother and told her what was happening to me. She called the girl’s mother and asked her about her daughter. She told her that after her son saw her, a young man proposed to her. She stayed with him for one year and they did not get along for more than that, so she got divorced without having any children from him. Now she lives in her parents’ house.
The young man decided to marry her without seeing her, and he actually completed all the necessary procedures and took her as his wife, and she was a good wife to him.
The fourth story:
One of the most beautiful short stories ever…
One day, they met and he asked him: “Do you blame yourself for what you did?!”
He replied, “It is a small sin that I always ask God to forgive me for.”
While he believed in his call, he said to him: “But do not underestimate small sins, for the wise say that sins are wounds, and perhaps a wound can be fatal.”
He continued, “Do you realize what happened? Guilt is a wound, and a wound, though small, can kill you.”
He added to what he learned about the Gnostics: “Know that letting one’s gaze wander imprints in the heart the image of what is being seen; fight the beast in its cradle and do not let it grow, for then it will be difficult for you to eliminate it. I have read a wonderful saying by one of the Gnostics: repel a thought, for if you do not, it will become an idea. Repel the idea, and if you do not, it will become a desire. Repel the desire, and if you do not, it will become a resolve. Fight it, and if you do not, it will become an action. If you do not repel it, it will become a habit, and then it will be difficult for you to move away from it…”
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