Success stories

3 unforgettable stories for children because of their beauty

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Reading helps develop children's listening and attention skills, and reading is a basic skill that a child acquires before he is able to read in the first place.

Through the pages of books and stories for children, they explore new worlds, get to know inspiring characters, and experience unforgettable adventures.


The first story:

One of the most beautiful stories for children to teach our little ones to observe God Almighty in everything, to worship Him in secret before in public…

This story happened during the reign of the Caliph, Commander of the Faithful, our master “Omar ibn al-Khattab,” may God be pleased with him and satisfy him. He, may God be pleased with him and satisfy him, had ordered people not to mix milk with water.

It was his habit to check on the conditions of the subjects every night. One night, while he was walking around the city, may God be pleased with him, checking on the conditions of the people as was his habit, and while he was walking around, he heard the voice of a woman saying to her daughter: “Mix the milk with water.” The Commander of the Faithful, Omar, may God be pleased with him, was upset by this mother’s request to her daughter. What amazed him was her daughter’s response to her when her mother told her that Omar, who had ordered this, does not see us now. Her daughter said to her: “O mother, if Omar does not see us now, then Omar’s Lord sees us and knows what we do.”

So he went home, may God be pleased with him and satisfy him, and when morning came, he asked his son “Aasem” to go to such and such a place and check on their daughter. If he found that she was not busy, he would marry her, perhaps God Almighty would grant him a blessed child through her.

Indeed, our master “Asim bin Omar bin Al-Khattab” married her and she gave birth to “Laila”, who married “Abdul Aziz bin Marwan” and gave birth to the one who was called the fifth of the Rightly-Guided Caliphs, our master “Omar bin Abdul Aziz”.

Read more stories for children to your little ones through: Bedtime stories for babies with lessons learned

The second story:

One of the most beautiful and interesting stories for children…

One day there was a cat walking in the street, and this cat was very beautiful with very soft black fur.

She was loved by everyone who saw her, and of course she had many friends around her who loved her too, so she was always happy and comfortable.

One day, this cat decided to leave the house. She had a big basket on her back carrying food. Her beautiful eyes were sparkling with joy and happiness. The cat started her journey through the city streets. During her interesting journey, she met a wonderful and beautiful cat. They completed the journey together and became friends. On the way, they became three cat friends and decided to complete the entire journey of life together.

The new friends were very happy with each other in the streets, their hearts were filled with happiness and great fun, they were playing, eating and running after each other, but one time they found a big dog, despite that, its appearance was wonderful and beautiful and it was full of joy and happiness like them, so they decided to play with this dog, and as soon as they got close to the dog, it almost ate them all, but they ran away and returned to their homes with sad and happy memories at the same time.

Read also for your little ones more stories for children through: Bedtime stories for infants containing lessons learned.

The third story:

One of the most beautiful children's stories ever…

There was a big city full of people and this city was famous for justice and goodness. The ruler of the city had sons but he had a daughter who did not believe in her father's ability to solve the problems and difficult things that people talk about all the time.

This daughter wanted to know whether these things that her father was doing were real or were they just a myth. To make sure of that, she disguised herself as a maid and went around looking for a living in the country. She actually found work in the house of a married man, and she started working for him without anyone knowing that she was the daughter of the famous ruler of the country.

The husband had a young child, and the governor's daughter worked for them. One day, the wife decided to plot against her mother-in-law because she saw that her husband loved his mother more than her and preferred her over her in everything, and was fair to her even if she was wrong. So she was ready for any opportunity to do so.

One day, her mother-in-law was waiting for her daughter to visit. As soon as her daughter arrived, she forgot the whole world, to the point that she even forgot her little son, whom she had left playing in the street!

The little boy continued playing until he reached the river. He wanted to try the water, but he did not realize the seriousness of the situation because of his young age. He drowned in the water that covered him and died!

The governor's daughter was working for the boy's father, and only a few moments later everyone knew that the child had drowned. They went to his mother and said to her: “Your husband's mother is the one who killed your son to take revenge on you and burn your heart.”

So she went to her and told her husband what had happened. The husband hit his wife, and because of the intensity of her screams, all the people came to see what had happened!

The ruler's daughter learned what was happening, so she had an idea to test her father and his ability to be just and wise. She said to them, “I will show you a just ruler who will rule on this matter.” So he went to her father and told him what had happened, so the just ruler went with them until they arrived there.

The ruler went to the wife and said to her: “Why did you do this?!”

She said to him: “To take revenge on my mother-in-law because she always mistreats me in front of everyone. She never misses an opportunity to humiliate me.”

The ruler went to the husband and told him what his wife had said. The ruler went to the man’s mother and asked her about what her son’s wife had told him. She told him everything, so the ruler said that his mother was the one who had been wrong from the beginning.

The wise and just ruler was able to solve the problem, and he did solve it. At that moment, his daughter was sure that her father ruled justly, and that everything that was said about him was only the result of his actions and his insistence on investigating the facts and reaching a just judgment.

The daughter learned to judge fairly and not to take revenge on someone at the expense of another, especially when that person is not guilty. How can he be punished for a sin he did not commit in the first place?!

Read also for your little ones more stories for children through: Stories for children to teach reading in Arabic