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The story of the wolf and the shepherd is a story that contains many lessons and sermons that reflect to us the number of temptations and tragedies that the believer will find at the end of time. On the authority of Abu Hurairah, may God be pleased with him, he said.. The Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, said: “Hasten to deeds, temptations like pieces of a dark night The man became a believer He goes in the evening as an infidel, and in the evening as a believer, and in the morning as an infidel, he sells his religion for a small offer of this world.”
The story of the wolf and the shepherd:
The story goes back to a shepherd with the Prophet of God, “Solomon,” peace be upon him. One day, while the shepherd was tending to the sheep, a wolf came to him and asked him to give him a ewe. The shepherd said to the wolf: “The sheep belong to our master Solomon, son of David, and I am only their guardian and shepherd, so I cannot To give you what you ask for.”
The wolf said to the shepherd: “Then go to the Prophet of God Solomon and ask him to allow me to have a ewe.”
The shepherd said to him: “I am afraid that if you go to our master Solomon, you will attack the sheep.”
The wolf said to him: “Do not be afraid of that. I will guard the sheep for you until they return, and if I betray you, I will then be of the ninth generation.”
(And do not be surprised at the ninth generation! The ninth generation is our generation with great sorrow and regret. The wolf refused to be part of it.)
Indeed, the shepherd went to ask permission from our master Silman, peace be upon him, and left the wolf to guard the sheep. While he was walking on the road, he found a cow suckling from a heifer, and he said in confusion: “Glory be to God, this is one of the wonders of time. I have never seen anything like it before. I will ask the Prophet of God, Solomon, peace be upon him, about it and its interpretation.”
After that, he walked for a little while, then he saw people sitting with worn out clothes on their bodies, and in their hands and around them was scattered gold. Once again, confusion consumed his heart, and he said to himself: “Glory be to God, the Most High, the Great. This is another wonder of the time, the likes of which I have never seen before. They possess gold and they So poor?! I will certainly ask Sir Suleiman about the explanation of all this.”
Then he continued on his way and continued on his way, and he saw a running water spring from afar and heard the sound of the gurgling water. He approached it to quench his thirst, and suddenly he smelled a foul, dirty odor from it. He retreated, confused about the matter, and said: “Glory be to God.. This is also one of the wonders of time.” I have never seen anything like it, running water with this quality?! If it was stagnant, dirty water, I wouldn’t be surprised by it. I will ask Sir Suleiman about it as well.”
The shepherd continued walking until he reached the Prophet of God, “Solomon,” peace be upon him. After greeting him and greeting him, he informed him about the wolf and his request. The Prophet of God, Solomon, said to him: “Allow him to take and choose a ewe and eat it.”
The shepherd said to him: “The matter is your command, O Prophet of God, and I want to ask you about wonders that I saw on my way to you. Did you permit me?”
So the Prophet of God “Solomon,” peace be upon him, gave him permission, and the shepherd told him, saying: “I saw a cow suckling from a heifer.” The Prophet of God, Solomon, peace be upon him, answered him, saying: “This will happen at the end of time. Mothers bring calamity to their daughters so that each of them can earn her livelihood.”
The shepherd continued to the Prophet of God Solomon, saying: “I also saw men with piles of gold lying in their hands and around them, but they were poor, with worn-out clothes on their bodies.”
So our master Solomon, peace be upon him, said to him: “These are bandits and thieves. What they have is forbidden, and everything that comes from what is forbidden is stripped of blessings. At the end of time, forbidden money will increase, contentment will decrease, and blessings will be removed.”
The shepherd continued, saying: I also saw flowing water from afar and heard the sound of its gurgling, so I approached it, wanting it to quench my thirst, but I found it to have a foul smell that escaped me due to the severity of its filth.
The Prophet of God, Solomon, peace be upon him, said to him: “This is the condition of most people of religion at the end of time. You see them from afar in the garb of religion, so you approach them to benefit and take what brings you closer to God Almighty, and you find them attached to the world, its falsehood, and its desires.”
The shepherd said in horror: “We seek refuge in God from this time and from the people of this time.”
The shepherd asked for a prayer from our Master Solomon before he returned to take care of the sheep, and when he reached his sheep that he was caring for, he found the wolf taking care of them as he promised him.
The shepherd said to the wolf: “Our Master Solomon has given you permission to take any ewe you choose.”
The wolf looked at the sheep and saw a ewe standing aside, sick and weak, so he took her. The shepherd asked him, saying: “Why did you choose this particular ewe?!”
The wolf replied, saying: “Because she is heedless of mentioning her Lord and praising Him.”
Beware of neglecting to mention God and glorify Him, Glory be to Him.
Lessons and sermons from our story today:
Firstly, on the authority of Abdullah bin Amr bin Al-Aas, he said: The Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, said: “The Hour will not come until immorality and severing of ties of kinship appear Bad neighbourliness, and the traitor will be trusted, and the trustworthy will be betrayed. It was said: O Messenger of God, how will the believer be on that day?! He said: (Like a palm tree that fell and was not broken, or that it was eaten but did not spoil, and perfume was put in, or like a piece of gold that was brought into the fire and was brought out but did not die “Increase only good.”
Secondly: Stay away from illicit money and be careful of it, due to its abundance in the last days. On the authority of Abu Hurairah, may God be pleased with him, he said: The Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said: “A time will come upon the people when a person will not care about what he took the money from, whether it is lawful or unlawful.”
Third: The necessity of constant commitment to enjoining what is right and forbidding what is wrong. God Almighty said in His Mighty Book: (And let there be from among you a nation calling to goodness and enjoining what is right and forbidding what is wrong. It is these who are the successful.)
Also read more stories and lessons through the following links and benefit from what they contain as much as possible:
Stories and lessons entitled “And fear a day when you will be returned to God”
And also: short Twitter stories and sayings, the story of the good young man and the drug dealer, and the story of the lazy farmer