Success stories

Stories of jinn titled Horrific Revenge for Retribution!

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The world of jinn and demons is an unseen world, a world that we neither see nor hear. Despite it being an unseen world, many people have given free rein to their imaginations in depicting it. Some have depicted it as a world of horror and terror, and there are many who have denied its existence in the first place.

Ibn Abd al-Barr said: “According to the people of theology and knowledge of the language, the jinn are classified into ranks. If they mention the jinn purely, they say: jinn; if they mean that it is one of those who live with people, they say: ‘Aamer’, and the plural is ‘Ammar and ‘Awamer; if it is one of those who appear to children, they say: ‘Arwah’; if it is evil and determined, then it is a devil; if it goes beyond that, then it is a marid; if it goes beyond that and its power becomes strong, they say: ‘Afreet’, and the plural is ‘Afreet. And God knows best.”


In conclusion, the world of jinn is an existing world that we cannot deny or disbelieve in, so we must not underestimate those who see us from where we cannot see them.

The story:

One day, a young man in his thirties wanted to enjoy a cup of delicious coffee on his balcony, and suddenly he noticed a group of black cats under his house, gathering very quietly. He began to watch them from afar and look at their behavior, which was a bit strange, but suddenly a quarrel broke out between them and intensified, so the young man became angry at their loud voices, so he wanted to separate them and leave so that he could enjoy the peace he wanted, and suddenly he brought a pot filled with boiling water and threw it on the cats in the street immediately, and he deliberately made it fall completely on them!

Indeed, he managed to hit one cat among them, which fell to the ground immediately after emitting a loud scream. The rest of the cats ran away from it except for one cat that stayed beside it, moving it right and left and reassuring it, but it let him down by dying!

The young man was stunned when he saw the cat who was sitting next to the cat raising his head towards him and looking up until his eyes reached the eyes of the young man, who at that time had a smile on his face of victory over the cats by dispersing them and injuring one of them. He was surprised when he saw tears falling from the cat's eyes, but he did not care about that, because in the end they are just stray animals in the streets.

The young man entered his bedroom to get some sleep and rest, and suddenly he saw in his dream a group of people carrying the coffin of a deceased person, and the great shock to him was when he saw the deceased was the same cat that he had killed, they took it to the cemetery, and then returned to the young man’s house, which was the same and the same appearance that he had when he stood on the balcony, he saw from his balcony a man wearing pure white clothes and also with a white beard, he approached a person crying bitterly over the cat that had been buried and began to console him, and suddenly the man in white clothes ordered four men to go up to the young man’s house and catch him!

And indeed they went up to his house and caught him and tied him to his bed, and suddenly a huge cat struck him with its claws, a blow that hurt him in a way he had never seen before, blood flowed from his shoulder, so he started screaming loudly from the severity of the pain and suffering he was experiencing, he woke up from his sleep and was unable to move at all, so he put his hand on his shoulder and found the actual mark of the blow and the blood was actually flowing as well, he went and brought a bandage to put on the wound in an attempt to stop the bleeding, but suddenly while he was on his way back to his bedroom he found the bed and the entire room on fire, he tried to put out the fire but to no avail, so he tried to leave the house but the door was tightly closed, so he started screaming for help but to no avail with no answer, he entered the balcony wanting to use it to save his life and suddenly he felt a blow hit him from an entity that he felt without seeing it and it knocked him down lying on the ground!

While he was lying on the ground, he heard the dawn call to prayer, and the fire went out by itself! As for the young man, he lost consciousness completely and did not regain it until just before noon, so he rushed to a close friend of his and told him in detail what had happened to him. His friend scolded him for what he had done to the cats, and said to him: “They must be from the clans of the jinn. We must go to the sheikh, but before that we need to go to the hospital to stitch your wound.”

The doctor could not believe what he saw. The young man’s wound was black and black blood was flowing from it. He spoke of his amazement at the wound, the likes of which he had never seen before and would never see again. Despite that, he did what his conscience dictated to him. After that, they went to the sheikh and told him what had happened. The sheikh said, his face changing color: “What you did is a bad deed. You have killed a jinn without justification, and I think that her relatives will exact retribution from you. You should not spend the night in your house today until tomorrow comes and I go with you to your house and we will see what we can do to preserve your life.”

The young man went to his friend's house to spend the night there. While his friend was staying up all night, he heard his friend's screams. He was unable to sleep for long and could barely fall asleep. As soon as he reached the room and was able to open the strangely closed door, he found his friend in a heartbreaking state. He was lying on the bed, gasping for breath, with his eyes open and flying at the ceiling. He noticed four cats coming out of the room's window!

The friend called the police and they came to inspect the body. After performing an autopsy, they found that the cause of death was a severe heart attack. They attributed the claw marks to a predatory animal that they were unable to identify, so they buried it in the cemetery.

A few days later, the young man's family went to visit him at the cemetery and found the grave open and his body missing. They only found the shroud with the marks of the claws of a predatory animal on it and it was completely torn apart!

The young man's friend told his family what had happened to their son just one day before his death, and how he had paid with his entire life for simply pouring a little boiling water on strange cats in the street, and how the jinn had exacted revenge in the cruelest possible way.

Read also in the world of jinn and demons:

Horror stories in English titled “The Jinn’s Companion” all parts complete

Also: Stories of jinn titled Underground Dwellers! (It really happened)

Stories of the jinn entitled the cursed grave!