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A story is nothing but a tale that takes the form of moving people and events. It is of two types: either real or imaginary. The medium of stories is one of the most important means in human life. We cannot deny that the human soul is naturally inclined to listen to stories, and this is due to many and varied reasons, including: We find in the story a reaction to the soul’s feelings in situations when a person among us imagines himself within the events of the story itself.
We find that man is naturally inclined to share emotionally with the heroes of the story, which arouses feelings and emotions within himself. Human souls always find comfort in imitation, so we find that the reader or listener finds himself imitating the heroes of his story. If theoretical speech is supported by a story, the reader and listener will love it alike.
The first story:
One day, a man complained to his wife about his poor memorization of the Holy Quran. His wife swore to him that if he memorized the entire Holy Quran in one year, she would marry him herself as a second wife!
Her husband memorized the entire Quran in just six months, and when he told her about it and gave her the good news, she surprised him by fasting for three days in atonement for her oath.
Verses of poetry telling the story of this couple…
A man complained to his wife about his worries.
He said to her: I find memorization difficult.
She said, “My love, take my solutions.”
She plotted something against him at night.
If the beloved memorizes the book of my Lord
His wife married him to another woman!
When he achieved what was required of him
And he came to her with good news in his hands
I memorized the book of my Lord, my life
She said: May the Most Gracious increase you in status.
I swear if you memorize it
I will propose to a free, beautiful, virgin
But I saw fasting rising
Women should have faith and purity
I fasted three days to atone for a sin.
I ask my Creator to reward you
This, my love, is some of my love
Some of my love comes to you by deception
Read more stories and lessons from real life through: Stories and lessons entitled “And fear a Day when you will be returned to God.”
The second story:
Stories and lessons that contain a lot of benefit and advice…
The Arabs used to say that the sweetest poetry is the most false! One of the most false things said about poetry is what Al-Mutanabbi said: (With my own eyes I saw a wolf milking an ant and drinking its clear milk)!
If we look at the words and think about their meanings, we find them completely out of the ordinary, and absolutely unacceptable to any mind. This verse had a story…
One day, Al-Mutanabbi passed by a poor, destitute ghee seller who was selling a pound of ghee for ten dirhams. A rich man came to her and bought ten pounds of ghee from her. He refused to pay her more than ten dirhams, took the ghee by force and left!
The woman began to cry and lament her fate and call out to him, but he did not respond to her. So Al-Mutanabbi called out to him, but to no avail. Then Al-Mutanabbi recited the verse: (With my own eyes I saw the wolf milking an ant and drinking its clear milk)!
Read also more stories and lessons from real life through: Short stories and lessons on Twitter The story of the good young man and the drug dealer and the story of the lazy farmer
The third story:
One of the most beautiful stories and lessons ever…
Ibn Khaldun wrote in the introduction..
The Arabs ate camels and took from them jealousy and harshness, while the Turks ate horses and took from them strength and ferocity?
As for the Franks, they ate pigs and took from them cuckoldry, and the Negroes ate monkeys and took from them the love of music.
Ibn al-Qayyim, may God Almighty have mercy on him, said in this regard: “Everyone who has familiarized himself with a type of animal has acquired some of its creation and nature. If he has fed on its meat, the resemblance will be stronger.”
You must be wondering about our condition these days. Sadly, we have eaten too much white chicken. We ate it and made it chatter and squawk a lot, so the nations ganged up on us. We took from the chicken laziness, humiliation, bowing our heads, not flying high in the sky, and chattering and squawking all the time.
Read also more stories and lessons from real life through: Stories and lessons entitled: Whoever knows God will have no desire for anything other than Him.
The fourth story:
It is also considered one of the most beautiful stories and lessons ever…
Ibn Battuta described Muslims as black Africa before the Europeans reached them with their barbarism and savagery, saying…
One of the most beautiful things they are characterized by is the lack of injustice, so you will find them the farthest people from it, and their ruler does not forgive anyone or pardon them for anything of it. What distinguishes them from others is the comprehensive security in their country, so neither the traveler nor the resident in it fears a thief or even a usurper.
They do not interfere with the money of those who die from the whites in their country, even if it is heaps of gold and silver, but they leave it in the hands of those they trust from the whites like him until its rightful owner takes it.
They are regular in performing prayers and are committed to performing them in congregation, and they beat their children for not doing so. If it is Friday and none of them goes early to the mosque, they will not find a place to pray because of the crowding and the large number of worshippers. One of their customs is that each one of them sends his servant with his prayer rug, and he spreads it out for him in the mosque until he gets there. Their prayer rugs are made from the fronds of a tree that resembles palm trees except that it has no fruit. One of their customs on Friday is that they wear beautiful white clothes, and whoever among them owns nothing but a torn shirt washes it, cleans it, and prays in it.
One of their most important concerns is their great care and keenness to memorize the Holy Qur’an. They put restrictions on their children if they fall short in memorizing one day, and they do not release the restrictions from them until they memorize.
On the day of Eid, I went to the judge and found his sons chained up. I asked him to let them go and remove their chains, but he said to me: “I will not do that until they memorize the Qur’an.” One day, I saw a handsome young man wearing luxurious clothes, but his leg was chained up. I asked the man next to me in confusion and astonishment: “Did he kill someone?!” He understood what I meant and laughed and said: “He was chained up so that he would memorize the entire Holy Qur’an.”
Read also more stories and lessons from real life through: Valuable stories and lessons from life