Success stories

Stories and lessons, truly the most beautiful things you will ever read!

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Scientific studies have proven that reading is a cognitive and intellectual process that stimulates the mind to work continuously. Reading also reduces the occurrence of various mental illnesses, keeps the brain active, and increases its ability to focus and analyze.

One of the most important benefits of reading, especially those that contain stories and lessons, is to enhance the learning of the lessons of those who came before us and to take advantage of the benefits and essence of experiences. We can also say that enhancing the skill of reading is closely linked to increasing the number of words a person has. When a person reads more, his ability to write and analyze grows, and he becomes able to benefit from the skills of the writers, journalists, or poets he reads.


Reading also has many other benefits, the most important of which is gaining knowledge, as reading is very important in enabling a person to acquire new and useful knowledge and information. It is worth noting that the more a person’s knowledge increases, the more able he becomes to face life and its difficulties by using the knowledge he has acquired from the reading process.

Another benefit of reading, last but not least, is the ability to analyze and criticize, as reading helps develop the ability to analyze and criticize using the individual’s use of the skill of critical thinking.

The story:

One day, a mafia leader in the underworld discovered that the accountant he had carefully selected had embezzled money from him over the years of his service, estimated at about ten million dollars!

The accountant was deaf and mute, and for these reasons the mafia leader chose him. His position was very sensitive. When the accountant was deaf, he would not hear anything that he testified about before the judge, and if he sensed something, he would not be able to speak about it because he was mute.

The mafia leader decided to confront his accountant with the conviction he found against him and with the evidence, proofs and evidence. So he took in his hand an expert in sign language, the only language his accountant understood. He asked the expert to ask him in their language: “Where is the ten million dollars that you embezzled?”

The expert asked him, and the accountant replied in sign language: “I don’t know what money the leader is talking about.”

The expert said to the leader: “He says he doesn’t know what you’re talking about.”

The mafia leader brandished his weapon at the accountant and asked the expert to repeat the question. The expert asked him again in sign language: “If you don’t tell him where the money is, he will kill you.”

“I will admit and admit,” the accountant replied in sign language, “that the money will be found in a black leather bag buried in the floor of the garage in the back neighborhood.”

The mafia leader asked the expert: “What did he tell you?!”

The expert replied, “He says you are a coward and will not be able to do anything to him, to the point that you will not be able to fire a single bullet at him with this weapon of yours!”

The leader was so angry that he completely blinded himself and emptied his entire weapon in his accountant's face and the whole thing ended in favor of the sign language expert!

The moral of the story:

We must understand that it is a grave mistake to place our complete trust in the transmitter of the hadith or the transmitter of the point of view, and return to the Prophet a decision based on the hadith that he transmitted or the point of view that he also transmitted, because we may discover later that the trust that we placed in him was not in its place, and then our fall will be a very resounding fall, and as for our loss, then it will be a huge and very painful loss.

The second story:

Every day the shepherd would lead his sheep to their pen and close all the doors. When the wolves came, starving from hunger, they found the doors closed and all paths to the sheep cut off, so much so that the wolves despaired of ever reaching the sheep.

The wolves thought and devised a plan to free the sheep from the pen at night. In the plan, the wolves found that it would be best to incite the sheep to rebel by creating demonstrations and chants of freedom and demanding the rights that were taken away from them!

The wolves organized sheep demonstrations and supported the sheep with all their strength and energy. The sheep stood around the pen to encourage the sheep. As for the sheep, they were convinced that the wolves supported them and defended their rights and freedom. The sheep were affected by the elaborate play and became involved, encouraged, and rebelled. They began to break the walls of the pen, broke all the laws, and violated all the instructions. They finally opened up and were freed from the shepherd’s hands. They fled to the forest, and the wolves showed them the way and ran after them. During these events, the shepherd was asleep, and when he woke up, he was shocked by the incident. He began calling and screaming at his sheep and trying to catch up with them and bring them back, but to no avail. He returned that night with regret in his heart.

As for the wolves, they achieved what they wanted. The sheep were isolated and exposed, without a shepherd to protect them or a pen to separate them from them. It was the worst night for the sheep and the happiest night for the lurking wolves. In the morning, the shepherd did not despair of searching for his sheep, so he went to the forest where the sheep found freedom and liberation. He found nothing but torn limbs and bones stained with blood. He did not find anything that could breathe at all!

The moral of the story:

It is a myth, gentlemen, that you may have heard before, but how similar our story is today to today’s wolves and their organizations demanding the empowerment of women to obtain all their rights and help them to be liberated and calling for equality between them and men; when the human wolves saw the impossibility of reaching chaste, believing women, they began calling for their liberation, and the goal is not to liberate them, but rather their freedom to make it easier to reach them and exploit them, and I regret to say that this has become our bitter reality.

For more stories and lessons, we can:

Short stories and lessons on Twitter: The story of the good young man, the drug dealer, and the story of the lazy farmer

We also cannot forget/ Stories and Lessons by Sheikh Muhammad Al-Sawi The story of the drug dealer who died while prostrating

Also from stories and lessons full of sermons through: Stories and lessons of women’s treachery entitled A young man wanted to search for the true meaning of women’s treachery!