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We all need to know that imagination helps our children reach the highest intellectual, emotional and social levels. Imagination is an essential factor in developing many latent learning skills in children. The first step in the journey of discovery, creativity and wisdom is imagination. There is a very famous quote by Albert Einstein that explains this meaning, which is written as follows (Knowledge is not a sign of intelligence, but imagination).
The first story is titled (The Magic Forest):
There is nothing more beautiful than short written children’s stories, especially when they are imaginative, as they contribute to expanding the imagination of the young child and increasing his ability to imagine and draw pictures…
It is said that once upon a time there was a little girl who lived in a beautiful village. This girl was distinguished from others by her excessive curiosity and her intense love for exploring everything around her. She aspired to explore the forest beyond the borders of her village, as it always aroused her curiosity.
One day, the little girl decided to make the boldest decision of her life ever. She decided to go alone to the magical forest and explore it, despite everyone around her warning her about the forest and how dangerous it is for adults!
Despite her young age, the little girl was not afraid of the forest, and she went there because she wanted to quench the fire of curiosity that was burning in her heart. The little girl reached a place covered with dense trees to the point that the sunlight was seeping into the forest with great difficulty. She found a huge gate there, which was some branches and twigs of dense trees twisted around each other, and interspersed with intertwined shrub leaves.
Without hesitation, the little girl broke through the gate to explore what was behind it. Once she was inside, she found herself in a magical world full of bright colors and strange, wondrous creatures that she had never seen before!!
During her magical, wondrous journey into the forest and the various magical kingdoms in which it resides, the little girl saw many, many magical creatures, creatures of strange shape and form, who were given supernatural powers. These gifts enabled her to discover the locations of gold and silver, and she would close her eyes and be in this secret, magical world whenever she wanted.
She used her rare talents that she acquired when she went to the forbidden magic forest to help everyone around her. She was always discovering places of gold and silver and making the people of her town take her out, so they would build schools, hospitals and all the services they needed. Everyone loved her because of her heart’s breadth of love for everyone and thinking about everyone’s interests. Despite her young age, she set an example for everyone around her to follow in thinking about others.
The second story:
It is said that in a small town there lived three loyal and faithful friends, who were united by the quality of friendship. The first of them was characterized by courage and a love of adventure, the second was characterized by unparalleled intelligence and his love of reading, and the third loved imagination and had the ability to solve crises using his imagination and implement that in reality.
In one of their usual adventures, they found a piece of leather with a map drawn on it and the words “Welcome to the land of magic and fantasy” written on it.
The friends did not hesitate to go to the city of magic and fantasy, and they did not miss such a precious opportunity to go on a fun and exciting adventure full of surprises. They cooperated together to overcome all the difficulties and challenges that they faced on the journey to reach the land of magic and fantasy.
The three children went through many difficult and dangerous experiences. They had to travel through dense forests, very deep valleys, and passed through towering mountains and raging seas and oceans. At every stage of their magical journey and fantasy land, they faced difficulties and challenges and were able to overcome them. They persevered in patience and cooperation with each other and learned the most important thing: the power of will and determination to persist in achieving their goal.
Finally, they arrived at the land of magic and imagination, and there they found things that were absolutely indescribable in their extreme beauty. The flowers and roses were talking to them, the trees were singing, and the animals were talking to them directly. The atmosphere around them was full of magic and limitless imagination.
They were enjoying themselves to the fullest extent, and from the intensity of their happiness with the adventure and its beautiful ending, they forgot all the horrors and challenges they had faced in order to reach the land of magic and imagination. At the end of the journey, the three of them realized that the greatest thing they ever possessed was their friendship, and that the real magic that enveloped and surrounded their lives was the magic of the friendship that brought them together, and that the journey would not have been this wonderful without their meeting on the friendship that bound them to each other.
The three friends returned to their country after enjoying an exciting trip and their hearts were filled with many beautiful memories that are never forgotten. Their friendship, after going through many challenges, could never be forgotten. They decided to share their adventures and experiences with others. They always told the little ones like them, whoever asked to listen to them, about their last adventure in the land of magic and imagination. The little children were eager to go on adventures like theirs, so they formed true friendships like their true friendship and sought to go on exciting adventures like them.
As for the three friends, whenever they met together, they planned to go on a new adventure with a new experience and beautiful memories that would be created anew to remain in their hearts and immortalized in their minds. Their exploratory trips increased and the three of them discovered that their strength lies in their union together, as each of them possesses different qualities from the other. The diversity of their personalities gives them strength when they unite.
Thus, the three friends continued to build their wonderful memories and experiences in a way that made them realize that life is a journey full of adventures and unforgettable friendships, and that every day is a new opportunity to discover something new and learn from our experiences and from each other.
Read also more short written children's stories for your little ones through: Meaningful written children's stories entitled Contentment with God's Decree
Also/ 3 short children's stories written in full, take advantage of them for your young children
3 very short and meaningful written children's stories