Success stories

Painful love stories titled I loved a devil!

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Oh, you whom I taught to love, covered with my tenderness, drowned in my longings, and lavished with my feelings, what would you do?! You gave me betrayal and burned me with your treachery. You stole my soul. Will all the letters of the alphabet do me justice so that I can erase all my pains and sighs?!

One of the worst things that a person can experience in his life is betrayal! Especially when it is from the closest and dearest people to his heart, then it leaves an unforgettable and unforgivable mark on his heart!


Imagine that you give all your trust and secrets to the person who is the closest person to your heart, and he meets you with betrayal and treachery, then you will find yourself unable to trust anyone else.

The story:

She loved the neighbor's son who reciprocated her feelings. She was an orphan and had no father, so she decided to take care of her sick father and gave up her dream of studying. She started working. She worked more than one part-time job a day.

She had a kindness in her heart that no one could imagine. She loved her lover's family and would go to serve his mother from time to time. In return, his mother treated her badly. She wanted a better wife for her son than her, one with the highest university degrees, to be a help to him and an addition to her family. She did not remember that this girl, whom she could not stand, was the one who paid for her son's education until it was completed.

One day, while the girl was at her lover’s family’s house, preparing sweets for his father, she was surprised by a call from his mother saying that they had obtained the approval of the girl who had sent a request to marry her son!

The girl was shocked by what she heard. She finished what she started, picked herself up and left, holding back seas of tears in her eyes. Today was her birthday, so her lover searched for her until he found her. He wanted to immortalize the memory of this day between them because he was determined to separate from her after all her sacrifices for him.

While they were in the car and her lover was driving, he collided with a girl due to the heavy rain that day. When the girl asked him what they had collided with, he told her that it was a tree trunk lying on the road. The girl, in the kindness of her heart, wanted to fix her car so that he could go to work in it, as he had become a public prosecutor in the largest criminal court in the country.

As soon as she took the car to one of the agencies for repair, she received a notification from the Public Prosecution. The car was owned by her and was in her name. She had bought it to give it to her lover in installments, so she had to write it in her name. There, she learned that a pregnant woman had been hit by this car and left on the road until she died!

Then the girl went back in her memory a few days and connected the events together and decided to sacrifice herself so that the future of her lover, whom she had secretly married and was now pregnant with his son, would not be ruined! As for the greater disaster, the woman who died in the accident was the wife of the biggest businessman in the country, who wanted revenge on the one who caused her departure as much as the pain in his heart, so he was keen to impose the harshest punishments on her.

As for the shock that exceeded all expectations, her lover and her secret husband was the first case in his life, the case of his lover, so the victim’s husband came to him and gave him a lot of money in exchange for his ruling with the harshest punishment for her. He took the money from him and sentenced the girl to five years due to the bad weather conditions at the time which caused the accident itself.

The victim's husband did not stop there, but rather made the girl his target and threatened to make her taste the worst. Indeed, in the first days of prison, he directed some women at her, who burned her body with fire and almost ended her life, except for the intervention of the female prison guards at the time.

Her father collapsed in her absence. He was certain that his daughter, with her kind heart, would not have left the girl alone in the accident until she died. The girl put her son in prison. She refused to send for his father and tell him the good news so that he would not be embarrassed in front of those in prison and out of consideration for his new position. She raised him in the best way until the day came when she empowered one of her friends and beat the little boy, so his mother was deprived of him and taken to an orphanage!

And indeed they succeeded in that, the girl was destroyed by everything, and when she completed her term and got out of prison, she went to her father to beg him to forgive her for what she did, and on the same day she went to the victim's mother wanting to apologize to her and forgive her, so the victim's mother treated her in the worst way ever, but she did not despair and started going to her every day to help her with life matters, the victim's wife was watching her from afar and was surprised by her actions, so he decided to hire a private investigator to find out the whole truth.

The great disaster was when he learned that the public prosecutor was the one who caused the death of his beloved wife and his son in her womb, and that his mother was the one who caused her to be deprived of her infant, and the main reason behind his death, and that the child did not die in the first place but rather that she had forged papers proving his death.

As for the girl, she was certain that the victim's husband was behind all the evil that had befallen her in her life, but she found a strong excuse for that, so he came to her to reveal all the facts to her, but she began to apologize to him, so he was surprised by her and asked her about the reason for her apology for things she had not done in the first place, and that the one she loved and placed her complete trust in did not deserve her. He informed her of everything and that he had married a girl from a high family.

He found her reaction defending her lover and her secret husband. He was surprised by her because he had never seen a wife and a girl who was loyal in her love for a man like her, and he had never seen anyone sacrifice like her. So he informed her of the last truth, which was that her son was still alive. She went to the family that had adopted him, and it was a barren wife who had made him her whole life and showered him with her tenderness and care. His new mother was worried about him, so his mother told him that she was his mother’s friend and that she was longing to see him because of how much her friend had talked about him.

She took her lover and went with him to her little boy's school and made him see it. She wanted him to look at his son and feel what she felt when she was unable to touch her little boy and hold him in her arms. She told him that she did not regret what she had done for him.

The victim's husband had reported the public prosecutor, who was famous and well-known, and submitted all the documents to convict him. The girl was acquitted and an official apology was issued to her. The victim's husband wanted her to be his wife, and he actually succeeded in doing so with the help of his late wife's mother, as she saw the goodness of the girl's heart, who did the impossible to gain her approval for something she had not done!

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