Success stories

Children's stories are among the most beautiful you will ever read.

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Reading stories to young children contributes to building a system of moral values ​​since the formation of his awareness. It helps him differentiate between good and evil, know right and wrong, and consolidate the highest values ​​within him, such as the values ​​of giving and giving… love of helping others… empathy… love and altruism… coexistence. Accepting the other opinion…and many lofty values ​​that cannot be counted. All we have to do is choose the appropriate stories for our children.

The first story:

While Bushra was sitting in the garden of the house, she heard the sounds of birds next to her. Bushra, the little girl, approached to investigate the situation, and she found a very small bird that had fallen from the nest from the top of the tree.


She ran to the kitchen and brought a small box in which she made the little bird. She brought very small tweezers and used them to put the food inside the little bird's mouth.

Throughout the day, she fed him three to five times, made his box warm when night fell, went to sleep like him, and woke up early to feed him breakfast, but she was surprised that he had died!

Bushra was very sad about losing the little bird, so she went to her mother and told her what had happened. Her mother told her that the little bird had two parents and that they had certainly been looking for him all day long, and that no matter how hard she tried, she could not feed him like his two bird parents did, nor did she care about him like they did.

Her mother advised her that if she was exposed to a similar situation, she should sit relatively far away, work to protect the little bird lying on the ground from the dangers around it, and at the same time give its parents space so that they can pick it up and put it back in the nest and treat it and care for it and take care of it, and they are the ones who know this best, as God Almighty taught them.

After a period of time, the same scene was repeated with “Bushra” to remember her mother’s advice in full. She sat close to the little bird that had fallen to the ground, and suddenly she saw a small cat approaching it in an attempt to prey on it. She threw small pebbles at it, and the cat became frightened of it, left the wounded little bird, and ran away.

Bushra continued to carry out her mother’s will and advice, and suddenly she noticed two large birds approaching cautiously towards the little bird. She moved away a little from them to give them a sense of security, and indeed, after many attempts from them, they were able to get their little one to the nest safely.

The moral of the story:

Be merciful with those on Earth and God will be merciful with you.

One of the most important traits that each one of us should have is mercy and compassion… a soft heart… and being quick to help those in need.

The second story:

In a forest there was a kind-hearted old farmer who had made a chatty rooster his friend. He had set aside a large plot of land in front of his house and planted it with cabbage and some vegetables.

Every day, the little children gathered at the old farmer’s house near the rooster, playing and having fun around him. He was a light-hearted rooster with a beautiful voice. As for the farmer, he felt extremely happy, as he was no longer alone as he had been before.

Happiness was overwhelming everyone until a spiteful goat came and lived next to the kind-hearted farmer. She felt upset and bored whenever she saw everyone happy around her, for jealousy was eating her heart black.

So she thought and planned to ruin their lives for all of them, and as soon as she got rid of them, she would be alone with the cabbage garden that tastes like knotty sugar.

One day she went out to the little children and in a harsh voice shouted at them all and threatened to eat their bones before their flesh if they came back again because they had spoiled her good life and comfortable living.

The children were afraid and trembled before her, so they ran away, and the eloquent rooster remained before her. She thought of throwing him down and holding him in her fist, but he was clever, so he ran into the house and informed her that she would not be able to catch him. However, the goat was able to imitate the old woman’s voice as she cried out to the rooster for help from the unjust goat, so the loyal rooster ran out quickly to save his old friend, and the goat caught him and ran with him into the forest to make him a rich feast for one of the predatory animals.

She put him in the middle of the forest and ran back to get rid of the old woman and enjoy the cabbage and good food. Her voice was like a thunderbolt, so she started hitting the door of the old man’s house with her horns and threatening him to put her horns in the middle of his stomach. The old woman was afraid and ran quickly, fleeing from the goats that had gone crazy.

And when he found many animals in his face, he found a huge bear, an elephant, and a small rabbit. The old man was certain that it was his end, and because of his great sadness for his friendly rooster and what his neighbor goat had done, he surrendered to the matter. He sat on the ground in fear, until the eloquent rooster appeared from behind these animals, and he reassured his friend and continued with the animals. The way to take revenge on the unjust goats.

They arrived home and the goat was eating the delicious cabbage. She fell to the ground crying from fear. The rooster reassured her and told her that she was their neighbor in the beginning and the end and they could not harm her as she had done to them. However, she had to make a deal with the old woman. She would eat as much cabbage as she wanted in exchange for milk that she would give to the old farmer, the owner of the cabbage. The goat welcomed the deal very much and was very pleased.

Happiness returned to the place again and the children started playing again with the eloquent rooster.

The moral of the story:

Exchanging food is one of the traditions of honorable people. We must teach our children these qualities from a young age so that they can be generous.

This story gives our children many lessons and lessons: loving neighbors, respecting them, and giving them their rights (the right of the neighbor), loving others and helping others, the victory of good over evil, and trying to reform abnormal souls.

For more meaningful stories for young children, we can:

3 meaningful educational children’s stories, some of the most beautiful things you will one day choose for your children (Palestine in my blood)

Very new and expressive children's stories to the extreme. Take advantage of them for your children.

Also: Stories for children, Kalila and Dimna, entitled The Crow and the Black Serpent (Taking the Right as a Deed)

Useful and purposeful educational stories for children that you will not believe have an impact on your child