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There is no life without love, there is no love without sacrifice, and there is no sacrifice without pain. The pain of sacrifice for the sake of the beloved is found without complaint, voice, or wailing. It is something precious and valuable.
The lover who loves truly, you will find his heart and the heart of the one he loves are one heart, and it is difficult for him to live without the one he loves. You will find him always treating the one he loves as if he were a shining beacon, even at the expense of himself.
The loving woman has set an example for us in the sacrifice she makes for her family. For a woman, sacrifice is a title for her femininity, and it is the secret of her motherhood. You cannot see femininity and motherhood in their true form except in a family that feels the wing of kindness and tenderness that its Creator has placed in the woman in the home.
The story:
One of the most beautiful bedtime love stories you can ever read…
He felt cold and bored with the marriage after twenty years of marriage, and one day he made a final decision to talk to his wife and end everything between them. He returned home directly from work, contrary to his usual habit…
His wife happily: “I'll prepare your lunch in a few seconds.”
Husband: “I don’t want to at all now, there is an important matter I want to talk to you about.”
The wife said, listening: “Come in, my dear.”
The husband began his talk and what he intended to say, saying: “I want to tell you something very important. I have done my best over the past years to provide everything you need, and I have never fallen short in that, but now I can no longer bear it and I do not want to waste what is left of my life. I have decided to move away, as the children have grown up and you are all able to live without me. I will not only leave you, but I will give you enough money and more.”
The wife was sitting listening to him, as composed as ever and not even trying to defend herself even though she was certain that he was with another woman and had done everything he had done for her. She said to him: “I only want one month from you. This is the first time I have asked you for something.”
The husband was surprised by her request and asked her: “Why a month?! What could happen in a month?!”
His wife said to him: “Consider it an end-of-service bonus.”
The husband remained silent and nodded his head in agreement. Here the wife said: “May God reward you with all good, but I want you this month to have lunch with us every day, and after lunch I want you to carry me in your arms to our bedroom, and after that you are free to do whatever you want with the rest of the day.”
The husband was surprised by her request, so he asked her about the reason for all this. His wife told him, “You promised me and gave me your word. It is only one month, and I do not want anything else from you after that.”
He told himself that it was okay as long as it was only one month and he would be able to do whatever he wanted. He forced himself to do what he promised her. The next day, he returned home from work directly. He found his children, with all love, kindness and understanding, preparing the table and helping their mother in the kitchen. He sat down and had a long time ago eating with them. He was watching them with his eyes. He found them exchanging conversations over the food. They were asking questions and the mother was answering their questions wisely. After finishing lunch, the husband waited to fulfill his second promise. He waited for his wife for about an hour while she cleaned the kitchen after lunch.
As soon as she finished, she came to him and wrapped her arms around his neck. He carried her and placed her gently on the bed and left the entire house. The next day, the husband noticed while carrying his wife that she had become thin, but she was still beautiful. On the third day, he noticed some white strands of hair!
The beginning of the first week of the whole month, he was upset by her strange request. He found himself longing for the end of work to return home to his wife and children. He found himself carrying her in his arms and entering her room, not feeling the desire to leave her as usual. On the tenth day, after he carried her and put her on the bed, he took a book and began reading it next to her. Here, he noticed that she was taking medication, so he asked her about it and she answered him that it was just a painkiller for a headache. This was the first conversation between them after the agreement they had made.
One day, while he was at home, his wife received a letter. He received it and opened it to find an urgent request from the hospital. He called them and discovered a disaster!
They wanted his wife to complete the paperwork required for the surgery to remove the tumor, and the doctor who would perform it had only two days left before he would leave the country, and without him the chance of success would be very slim. His eyes filled with tears two days out of the month of the agreement between them. The medicine was not a headache reliever. He went to the hospital and personally confirmed the reservation and submitted all the required paperwork.
He returned to his wife crying, kissing her hands and forehead. She was asleep and woke up worried about him because of what he had done!
He asked her why she had hidden her illness from him, and why she had preferred to live the month by her own accord rather than receive treatment. She answered him brokenly: “What is the benefit if I receive treatment and continue to live alone without you?!” As for the month, I was very happy with you during it. It was like the best end-of-service reward for me.
Tears streamed down his eyes and he hugged her tightly and said: “I swear to God Almighty, for every white hair that appeared on your head in this house of mine, for the sake of my children whom I am proud of, I am proud of your raising them and your fatigue and effort throughout the years while you neglected them, and for the years of your life that passed here while you were silent and sacrificing for us, and for every painkiller you took as long as I am alive, I will compensate you for everything.”
He actually kept his promise, and the surgery was performed on her and was crowned with success. He left the woman he had promised to marry before and focused on his precious and dear wife and children.
For more bedtime love stories, you can read them on our humble website at:
Long bedtime stories titled I fell in love with a mentally ill woman!
Also/ Bedtime stories for adults titled Love and Reading Lies!
Romantic bedtime love stories titled I loved young