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We all tend to laugh by nature, we find ourselves passionately drawn to people who can draw a smile on our lips and bring out sincere laughter from the depths of our hearts. Laughter has many benefits, the most important of which is getting rid of the sorrows inside us, and moving forward to face life with its horrors, you find life has stopped despite itself for the moments of your laughter.
The first story:
One of the funniest stories ever…
One day, Juha gave the governor of his town a command to make him eat the most beautiful and delicious goose he had ever tasted!
As soon as he returned home, he ordered his wife to choose the best goose she had, to prepare it well, and to cook it creatively as if she would win the best prize for that. He told her about the governor’s order and that he aspired to obtain one of the governor’s grants that he bestowed on everyone, far and near.
Indeed, his wife excelled in everything. She chose the best goose she had in terms of size, weight and length. She cooked it to the best of her ability, and as soon as she finished preparing it, she gave it to her husband, Juha, who carried it and walked with it to the governor’s palace immediately.
Juha was resisting the delicious smell of the goose, and at one point he could no longer resist, so he opened it and took one of the goose’s thighs and devoured it. Juha felt very satisfied at that moment.
When he arrived at the palace, he met the ruler and put the goose in his hands. The ruler was eager to eat it, as he had praised Juha a lot about the geese his wife had prepared for him. But the ruler found the goose incomplete, so he asked Juha in annoyance: “What is this, Juha?! Where did the goose’s other leg go?!”
Then Juha said to the ruler: “Don’t you know, ruler, that all the geese in our town have one foot? If you don’t know this, come and look from the balcony of your palace at the geese on the shore of the lake.”
Indeed, the ruler looked from the balcony at the geese and saw a flock of geese all standing on one foot, as geese usually do during break time. The ruler knew Juha's intentions, so he ordered one of his guards to go to the lake and to scare all the geese with a stick. As soon as the guard did what the rulers ordered him to do, all the geese ran on foot towards the water, escaping from the guard and his stick.
The ruler said, smiling wickedly at Juha: “Now what do you say, Juha?!”
Then Juha said with confidence: “If someone attacked a human being with this force, he would walk on four feet, not two! So what about geese?!”
The second story:
Hajja stories are considered among the most beautiful and funny stories ever…
One day, Juha decided to get married to enjoy comfort, stability and happiness, but unfortunately, he married a cross-eyed woman who sees one thing as two things!
On the first day of their marriage, it was time for lunch. Juha brought two loaves of bread, which she saw were four loaves of bread. He brought a bowl of food, which his wife saw were two bowls. As soon as he put everything in front of her, she said to him: “My dear husband, what shall we do with two bowls of food and four loaves of bread? One bowl of food and two loaves of bread are enough.”
Juha was very happy and said to himself: “What a great blessing from my Lord.”
As soon as Juha sat down with his wife to eat with her, she hit him with the full food bowl, saying: “Am I so wicked that you bring another man to look at me?!”
Then Juha said: “My wife, see everything as two except me!”
The third story:
One day, two men had a dispute, so they went to the judge to rule between them. The judge at the time was Juha.
The plaintiff said: “Your Honor, this person was carrying a very heavy load, to the point that whenever he tried to carry it, it fell from his hands. I tried to help him and relieve him, and I asked him about my wage before I carried anything for him. He answered me that my wage was nothing, so I accepted nothing and carried his burden that weighed him down. As soon as I got him to the place he wanted,[ى أن يعطيني اللا شيء الذي وعدني به وارتضيت به”!
الغريب فب الموضوع أن القاضي جحا تصرف وكأن المدعي معه حق في كل كلمة تفوه بها، فقال له جحا: “صدقت في كل كلمة ومعك حق في كل كلمة قلتها أيضا، اقترب مني واحمل هذا الكتاب لو تكرمت”.
فاقترب المدعي وحمل الكتاب، فسأله جحا ما إن رفعه عاليا: “ماذا وجدت أسفله؟!”
فقال المدعي: “لا شيء يا سيدي”، فقال له جحا: “إذا خذه يا بني”.
فأخذ المدعي وانصرف!
القصـــــــــــة الرابعــــــــــــــــة:
بيوم من الأيام حل جحا ضيفا على شخص ما وكان صديقا له، فقام صديقه بتقديم الحليب ضيافة له باليوم الأول، وأعاد الكرة بتقديمه الحليب ليتناوله جحا باليوم الثاني، وباليوم الثالث كان الحليب أيضا، وباليوم الرابع رأى المضيف صديقه جحا يجلس وحيدا وعلامات الحزن واضحة على ملامح وجهه، فاقترب منه وسأله: “ما الذي يحزنك يا صديقي؟”
فأجابه جحا: “أنتظرك لتفطمني”!
القصـــــــــة الخامســـــــــة:
بيوم من الأيام استأمن جحا أحدا من التجار بأن ترك لديه كمية من الحديد، وبعد بضعة أيام عاد جحا يسأل التاجر عن حديده يريد أخذه، فأخبره التاجر بأن الحديد قد أكلته الفئران، فتظاهر جحا بتصديقه لكلام التاجر وذهب.
وبعد بضعة أيام تربص جحا لابن التاجر الصغير وقام باختطافه، فجن جنون التاجر وصار يبحث عن ابنه ولكن دون جدوى، فاقترب منه جحا وقال له: “كنت أسير في صباح ذاك اليوم وسمعت أصوات زقزقة العصافير فاقتربت لأتبين الأمر، فوجدت ابنك تحمله العصافير وترحل به بعيدا”.
فتح التاجر عينا وأغمض عينا وقال لجحا: “أحملته العصافير ورحلت به بعيدا؟!”
فقال جحا: “أتعلم البلدة التي تأكل فيها الفئران الحديد فبكل تأكيد تحمل عصافيرها الناس بعيدا”!
فطن التاجر الأمر وأعاد حديد جحا إليه وأعاد جحا ابنه له.
اقرأ أيضا مزيدا من القصص المضحكة على موقعنا المتواضع من خلال:
قصص مضحكة قصيرة لن تتمالك نفسك من شدة الضحك!
وأيضا/ قصص مضحكة للغاية وجديدة لا تفوتها!
قصص مضحكة ستحملك على الضحك ولو غصبا!